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One-day strike at 13 German airports, including main hubs, brings most flights to a halt

Airport workers protest during a strike of the union ver.di at the airport in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, when all major airports in Germany went on a warning strike. Martin Mei

One-day strike at 13 German airports, including main hubs, brings most flights to a halt

Airport workers protest during a strike of the union ver.di at the airport in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, when all major airports in Germany went on a warning strike. Martin Meissner/AP hide caption

BERLIN — A one-day strike by workers at 13 German airports, including the Frankfurt and Munich hubs and all the country's other main destinations, caused the cancelation of most flights on Monday.

The Brief

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The 24-hour walkout, which started at midnight on Sunday, involves public-sector employees at the airports as well as ground and security staff.

At Frankfurt Airport, 1,054 of the day's 1,116 scheduled takeoffs and landings had been canceled, German news agency dpa reported, citing airport traffic management.

All of Berlin Airport's regular departures and arrivals were canceled, while Hamburg Airport said no departures would be possible. Cologne/Bonn Airport said there was no regular passenger service and Munich Airport advised travelers to expect a "greatly reduced flight schedule."

The ver.di service workers union's strike also targeted the Bremen, Hannover, Duesseldorf, Dortmund, Leipzig/Halle and Stuttgart airports. At the smaller Weeze and Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden airports, only security workers were called out.

Passengers' luggage is on the floor at the Berlin-Brandenburg airport, during the airports warning strike, Monday in Germany. Ebrahim Noroozi/AP hide caption


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The German airports' association, ADV, estimated that more than 3,500 flights in total would be canceled and about 560,000 passengers affected.

The union announced the strike last Friday. But at Hamburg Airport, it added a short-notice walkout on Sunday to the strike on Monday, arguing that it must ensure the measure was effective.

The so-called "warning strike," a common tactic in German wage negotiations, relates to two separate pay disputes: negotiations on a new pay and conditions contract for airport security workers, and a wider dispute over pay for employees of federal and municipal governments.

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The latter already has led to walkouts at Cologne/Bonn, Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Munich airports. Pay talks in that dispute are due to resume on Friday, while the next round of talks for airport security workers is expected to start on March 26.

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