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Only YOU can stop euthanasia

Recently, Dr.

Only YOU can stop euthanasia

Vernon Coleman published a video ‘They want to kill you – Here’s how they’ll do it’.  As he feels this is the biggest threat we now face, he has published a short note to again bring the subject of widespread state-sanctioned genocide to public attention.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

As I showed in my recent video entitled `They Want to KILL You – Here’s how they’ll do it’ the biggest threat we now face comes from the politicians and lobbyists who are promoting euthanasia (aka “doctor assisted suicide” among other things).

“Doctor assisted suicide” is already being practised in many countries. It is often painful and undignified but it is now being used to kill children, the mentally ill, the disabled and the poor.

The elderly who need to go into hospital are especially vulnerable and are being killed in their thousands – even though they could enjoy many more years of good living.

I believe that my video and Jack King’s book `They Want To Kill Us’ are all that stands between us and widespread genocide.

I cannot debate this issue on other platforms. I am now banned from all mainstream media (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV) for the modern crime of telling the truth. I am also banned from all social media and from internet news sites and podcasts. (Anyone who dares to interview me gets threatened or put out of business).

YOU are the only person who can help me stop euthanasia from becoming a global weapon for the conspirators.

Please send copies of this video to politicians, newspapers, friends, relatives and anyone you know – well or vaguely. If you know anyone with elderly or disabled relatives make sure they see this video. Only by spreading the truth can we stop what is happening.

Remember: my video entitled `They Want to Kill You’ could save the life of someone close to you. Knowing what is happening could save your life.

And please buy and distribute copies of Jack King’s book `They Want to Kill Us’. The paperback costs just £3.99. I’ve bought and distributed over 50 copies in the last two days and I intend to buy more.

Finally, if you have a YouTube account try putting on a link to my video about euthanasia – and see how long the link stays live. See if you can trick YouTube into allowing your link to stay up. Also, try putting links on Facebook and other social media sites.

You can access my video by clicking HERE.

And to buy a copy of Jack King’s book just click HERE.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,,  there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

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