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Oracle Card Readings For May: Each Zodiac Sign Is Included

The history of Oracle cards does not seem as rich and lengthy as its Tarot counterpart, but the history of these cards does start with the Tarot.

Oracle Card Readings For May: Each Zodiac Sign Is Included

Oracle cards branched off into their own particular brand of divination around 200 years ago – not long after the Tarot itself started being used for divinatory purposes. Of course like anything, they also come with criticism. Our thoughts? Have fun with it, see how the answers or pieces of wisdom make you feel, but don’t feel like you need to put all your eggs in one basket.

These were provided by Tarot Reader Sonya Singh. You can find a brief bio of her at the end of the article, and you can also access her website here. You may be going through emotional healing this month. Your message from the angels is to open your heart to love and let go of any past hurt and disappointment. Clear your heart of anything that is not serving its purpose to make room for new blessings. You may also be caught up between making choices, which leave you confused. Be honest with yourself and the people involved in your life about what you want. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Take some time out from routine, especially if you are overexerting yourself in both personal and professional life. This “me” time is necessary to avoid burnout and will help rejuvenate you, ensuring that you are better able to fulfill your duties. This is a month to balance your giving and receiving ratio. You may be giving too much of yourself to others or vice versa. Give something each day without expecting anything in return; this may include your time, a donation of any kind, or simply appreciating the people in your life. Similarly, ensure you are receptive to receiving help. Your message is to stop worrying too much about a particular situation in your life, as everything is working out in your favor. Be patient at this time, as your dreams and goals are about to manifest. This is also an excellent month to take up learning, continue further studies, resume school, or research on a topic. If your desired outcome is delayed, then take heart in the knowledge that everything will fall into place at the right time. This period of waiting is a great opportunity for you to absorb more information and fine-tune your skills. This month focuses on releasing any anger or judgment you hold towards yourself or others. This is a time of forgiving, as you are undergoing healing and it is necessary to release any blocked emotions. This month also marks the perfect time for you to act on your inspirations. Avoid delays and procrastination. Sometimes, it is all about taking that first step towards your goals rather than waiting until you figure out all the details. Don’t worry about the “how” and “when.” Your ideas are like seeds which need to be tended carefully right now. For most of you, Autumn is the season when you will reap the rewards of your hard work. Work with Archangel Uriel to help release and heal your emotions. This is a favorable month to start something new. Pay attention to your inner calling and act on the new ideas and inspirations that come to you.

These are divinely directed. This could be a project, a new business venture, or even an emotional beginning. You are being watched, guided, and protected during these changes. News related to pregnancy is also on the cards, so get ready or be careful.

They also gently remind you to let go of judgments and look past the errors and misunderstandings of others. Forgive someone you have been facing difficulties with of late. Focus on love and the goodness in yourself and others. Drop any self-defeating thoughts and lift your vibrations if you doubt your own abilities or find yourself in an unloving situation. An excellent month for Leo to move forward with their plans and ideas. You may be afraid of changes or are wondering whether to proceed further or stick to the familiar. Trust in this divine timing and move forward. Do not hesitate or doubt yourself, as this is a favorable time. You will find the necessary support and resources to back you up. Stay positive during this transition. Your etheric body needs healing and you would benefit from spending time close to the ocean. If this is not possible, then consider a salt-water bath. Salt is excellent at neutralizing and transmuting negativity and will help rid you of negative energies from your aura. Your financial situation is improving. Your finances may have been blocked due to numerous factors in the past and as you follow your inner guidance and release any negative conditioning about money, you will notice that many opportunities and doors open for you. Be patient. May is also a great month to work on your relationships. Singles are likely to find love and those in an existing relationship will be able to overcome any challenges in their current relationships. It is also important to let go of any feelings of unworthiness when it comes to receiving love. Open your heart and welcome new beginnings. Think creatively! Focus on a project that you have been procrastinating on for a while. If you have been delaying the start of a new venture that involves your creative input, then this is the time to showcase your talent. It doesn’t matter if your skills are market ready. Continue to pour your energy and passion into this task. Give away any feelings of insecurity or limitation to the universe. If you have been worried lately about the outcome to a difficult situation, then take comfort that everything is working out beautifully. A little more patience will go a long way. Meditation and prayer will help illuminate your path ahead and bring you peace. May marks the beginning of pursuing something new, which brings you rewards and recognition. You may be feeling frustrated at not getting something right. This could be a hobby or a newly developed skill. Your keyword is practice. Keep trying and don’t give up, as you are very close to mastering this art. This is a great time to polish your skills. You are also advised to spend more time outdoors, especially if you have been spending too much time indoors, depriving yourself of fresh air and close contact with nature. Your body craves oxygenated air. Consider spending some time gardening, taking a walk in the park, hiking, trekking, or simply being close to nature in any way possible. You can also ventilate your home to let fresh air flow in. Deep breaths will also help relieve stress. You may have been struggling to fix something for too long that is not going the way you had hoped for. Your divine message is to let go of the need to control and surrender your situation to the Universe. Release your worries and have faith. Letting go doesn’t mean you are giving up. Instead, it means you choose not to let yourself be weighed down by situations that are beyond your control. It may also be the right time to release something or someone from your life. Make a list of everything that is not serving its purpose in your life, then let it go with your intentions.

There may be decisions to make and if you’re feeling confused, ask yourself which path brings you closer to peace and makes you feel good about yourself. You already know the answers. Be open and admit to yourself and others what you truly desire. Good news related to your finances is highlighted this month. Any past debt will be lifted as your financial situation improves and you will find ways to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. You may find a new job or an additional one to draw multiple incomes. You are also strongly advised to shed your fears and worries, as they only attract what you don’t want, blocking your chances at a speedy manifestation.

The situation you are concerned about is under control and there is nothing to worry about. You are also being guided to pursue education, further studies, and take up courses that will help expand your knowledge and polish your existing skills. Do some additional research on a topic close to your heart and focus on learning. Business and romance are the highlights for Aquarius in May. A new business venture is in the cards and you should trust and follow your instincts with this new opportunity. If self-employment is on your mind, then this is a great time to act on your inspirations. Your creativity will help open doors for you. Do not belittle yourself and express your creative side without worrying too much about how it will be received. A new romance is likely to blossom for most of the single Aquarians. Your existing relationships improve as you reignite their passion. Ensure you are striking a healthy balance of giving and receiving in your personal life. Pisces, this is the month to act and charge ahead! You’ve got the power and the abilities to make a change and bring your desires to fruition. You may have doubted your capabilities in the past and it is now time to pay attention to your divine inner light and have the confidence to move forward and make changes. This is a great time to pursue new opportunities, and if you have been wondering lately whether to stay put or proceed further with regards to a situation, then the Universe is reassuring you to move forward. Let your intuition be the guide. Do not dismiss your inner guidance, as it is pushing you in the right direction. Procrastination could act as the culprit that will block your progress. .

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