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PCR tests cannot diagnose mpox infections

PCR tests cannot diagnose mpox infections

There has been a shift in medical practices from examining patients for illness to relying on lab tests for diagnosis.  One of the tests used is the PCR test and it is likely to be used to diagnose mpox or monkeypox “cases” as it was with covid.

Although it is not the case in Africa, at least not yet, the World Economic Forum noted in 2022 referring to “cases diagnosed” outside of Africa:All individuals who have tested positive have had the infection confirmed by a PCR test.”  And the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) notes: “Laboratory confirmation of mpox is done by testing skin lesion material by PCR.”

Using PCR tests for identifying and diagnosing monkeypox, as well as other illnesses, is not accurate or reliable. It is not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool; it does not provide black-and-white results, yes or no answers. PCR detects fragments of genetic material rather than viable viruses or infections.

During the covid era, the number of “cases” was inflated not only by the number of false positives but by the number of people being tested.  As the number of people being tested increased, so did the number of “cases.”  Are they going to do the same with mpox?

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The following is the article ‘What is really going on with monkeypox? Part 3’ originally published by the Gold Report. It is the third in a series.  At the time of writing the Gold Report had not yet published Part 4.  We will publish it after it has been made available.  You can read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.

How Do We Know It’s Monkeypox?

As the Our World in Data graphs showed in Part 2 of this series, there are far fewer confirmed cases of, and deaths from, monkeypox worldwide, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”), than the WHO has claimed. But how were “confirmed cases” confirmed? How sure can we be that even those really are confirmations of monkeypox? The WHO confirms cases of monkeypox (or mpox as it is now being called) by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing, a diagnostic tool used for many illnesses, not just covid-19. 

PCR Revisited

Not a “test”

The late Kary Mullis (who died in August 2019 right before covid-19 was declared) invented PCR to amplify DNA for study; he was very upset that it was being used to diagnose viral (HIV) infection. Mullis was adamant, as is evident in the clip below, that it is not a diagnostic tool and not meant for testing, since “it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.” In fact, Mullis said, with PCR you can find almost anything in anybody.

No black-and-white results

Principia Scientific author John Sullivan in an article about the use of the PCR test for diagnosing covid-19, quotes Canadian researcher David Crowe, who holds degrees in biology and mathematics, regarding the PCR test:

This means that a PCR test, unlike a pregnancy test, doesn’t give you a yes or no answer and there is no honest way of using it to diagnose disease. 

Genetic material, not viruses

Michale Thau, writing for Red State, noted that the PCR tests do not detect viruses but fragments of “dead” genetic material.

Skewed results

Dr. Nick Delgado, who Sullivan quoted regarding false positive PCR test results, said it’s not just a matter of false positives but the number of people tested. The more people tested, the more positives (which is why it appeared that more people were getting ill).

The late journalist and author Allan C. Weisbecker reposted (an edited and more readable) article by UncoverDC questioning the purpose of the PCR test. In author Celia Farber’s conversation with Dr. David Rasnick, she quoted him as saying that now medicine is all based on lab tests but it used to be that you would examine the patients first, listening to their lungs. By the time the patient has symptoms, he said, thirty per cent of the infectious cells are dead and it’s dead cells that generate symptoms.

What’s the PCR’s gold standard for validation?

Furthermore, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter in their Off-Guardian article, explain that there is no gold standard with which to validate the accuracy of PCR tests. 

Engelbrecht and Demeter explain that to successfully determine that a particular sequence is from the virus in question, the entire virus needs to have been isolated and purified beforehand so that you know what you are looking for. 

This means that if there is no isolation and purification of the virus before the PCR test is conducted, then there is no way of knowing that what was found by PCR testing is a virus that is the cause of the illness. 

Where Do We Go From Here?

We already learned in Part 2 of this series that, according to the confirmed monkeypox case and death numbers, the WHO has greatly exaggerated the numbers it used to justify declaring a PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern). 

Now, our review of the validity of PCR testing raises questions about the reliability of even the number of “confirmed cases” of monkeypox. 

Are there purified isolates of the monkeypox virus? Is there a gold standard for mpox testing? What are monkeypox symptoms? Do we even know that there’s such a thing as monkeypox virus?

These and other questions will be addressed in part 4 of “What is really going on with monkeypox?”

Featured image: Electron micrograph of mpox virus particles (yellow) cultivated and purified from cell culture.  Source: MPox/Monkeypox: Summer 2024 Update, Dr. Robert Malone, 19 August 2024

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