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PCR tests do not work

PCR tests do not work

In 2022 a US Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician blew the whistle about the flaws in the covid-19 PCR tests.

He spoke of the high false positive rate resulting from running the test at high cycle thresholds mandated by the CDC.   Furthermore, the PCR test cannot identify any specific pathogen as it is only testing for a part of a genetic sequence and not the whole genome of, for example, a virus.

These manipulated tests resulted in an inflated number of covid-19 cases and many deaths were labelled as died “with” covid as a result of these tests regardless of the actual cause of death.  The entire “pandemic” was based on these false positive tests.

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US Army Manipulates COVID-19 PCR Testing of Troops

The following was originally published on 23 September 2022 by Truth for Health Foundation. It has been republished as It remains relevant for current issues.

An Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician (position 68K) stationed at a Public Health Command has come forward to discuss the flaws with the polymerase chain reaction (“PCR”) covid-19 testing technology and tell the truth about the high false positive rate artificially created by the directives to run the test at such a high number of cycles. 

This courageous Sergeant has experience throughout the pandemic emergency declaration with testing clinal samples of patients and pooled testing in the public health setting. He discusses how the tests were never meant to diagnose disease. He also talks about the incredibly high false positives that occur when the PCR is run at the high thresholds that the Centres for Disease Control (“CDC”) was mandating as laboratory protocol for the US Department of Defence (“DoD”). This is quite alarming given the fact that the entire “pandemic” was justified based upon case rates of covid-19, but these tests were intentionally manipulated to increase the false positive ratemaking the number of cases seem far higher than was medically correct.  

In addition, even the CDC and Food and Drug Administration’s (“FDA’s”) own documentation clearly states that the PCR test cannot actually differentiate between covid and other bacteria and/or viruses. Dr. Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, discussed with emphasis that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR. Dr. Mullis also talked about the limitations of the tests, “PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e., bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

“The problem is the test is known not to work. It’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible, even if you ignore the other issues. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus-like covid-19 is nonsense.”

Dr. Fauci even discusses the tests being useless at the cycle threshold of 35 or more. He also explains that the standard “should be” 35 or fewer cycles. However, we know that there is no standard. We also know that the government was using 35+ cycles routinely. Furthermore, hospitals were receiving monetary incentives based on a person who was found to be “sick/died” with covid-19 after a positive PCR test. Given the fact that there is no standard for cycle threshold, hospitals could use 35+ to have an incredibly high false positive rate.

It is critical to understand how significant it is that the PCR has been used incorrectly to create a false narrative causing more fear and more draconian measures to infringe on our freedom. The ENTIRE pandemic was based upon a positive case rate from these PCR tests. 

The death count was also based on a positive test and a person who died “with” for “from” covid-19 was buried in the data. According to CDC covid-19 mortality data, only about 4% of the total mortality count died “from” covid-19 as the sole listed mortality cause. The rest (96%) died “with” covid-19 and had at least two or more other comorbidities. 

It has been widely reported that a person who got hit by a car or another completely unrelated cause of mortality was ignored as the cause of mortality after the individual or lifeless body tested positive for covid-19. It’s also widely reported that hospitals were incentivised for covid-19 deaths and treatments.

Our whistle-blower, who has tried to do the right thing by warning about these abuses of the PCR test, has been punished with an Article 15 UCMJ Non-Judicial Punishment after he refused to participate in the weaponised testing of the unvaccinated. He attempted to educate his leadership to no avail and is now facing involuntary termination from military service after 12 years of honourable active duty.

Listen to this bombshell Military Report episode as this laboratory whistle-blower bravely reveals to the American public what our agencies and DoD leadership have failed to do.

People participating in the audio above:

  • Co-host #1: Freedom Fighter 1776, a prior-enlisted Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, currently Preventative Medicine Officer & Entomologist, with 17 years of service, who was court-martialed earlier this year for refusing to comply with unlawful mandates for the experimental EUA CV19 products (mask, test, and injection).
  • Co-host #2: Dr. Pete Chambers, LTC US Army (Ret), Green Beret and special operations combat physician
  • Co-host #3: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet founder and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation
  • Guest Sgt. Alexandru Julean, US Army 68K Laboratory Technician

Resource links: 

  • Background Dr. Kerry Mullis and PCR watch on Rumble HERE
  • Dr. Fauci and 35 or more cycles watch on YouTube HERE
  • For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation’s website HERE. You can download their Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide HERE.

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