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Poll: More Voters Trust Republicans on Energy Policy

As the Biden administration continues to crush energy independence in the United States, Americans are more likely to trust Republicans on energy policy, a new Rasmussen Reports poll found.

Poll: More Voters Trust Republicans on Energy Policy

Out of 1,000 U.S. likely voters polled between July 18-19, 71 percent say the government should “encourage increased oil and gas production to reduce America’s dependence on foreign sources of oil and gas.” The margin of error is ±3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence. More than half (53 percent) trust Republicans to vouch for U.S. energy independence. Only 24 percent of respondents trust Democrats more. Out of voters who think the government should encourage domestic energy production, 65 percent say they trust Republicans to do so. Private sector workers (59 percent) are more likely than government employees (31 percent) to “trust Republicans more to encourage U.S. oil and gas production.” Respondents who make less than $100,000 are also more likely to believe the government should encourage domestic oil production. According to Rasmussen Reports, the results are relatively unchanged since March, showing a long trend of voters’ concern about energy independence and the state of the economy. Accordingly, the poll found that 86 percent of likely voters think energy policy will be a main focus in the November elections. The poll results come as the Biden administration continues to prioritize its climate change agenda, even as Americans struggle with high gas prices and 9.1 percent inflation. Despite leftwing fear-mongering, only 34 percent of voters think Congress and President Joe Biden should focus policy on “limiting carbon dioxide emissions in an attempt to reduce climate change,” while 52 percent of voters say they should focus more on increasing oil and gas drilling to help ease energy prices, another Rasmussen Reports survey found..

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