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Poll: Most Voters Are Unfamiliar with Left-Wing ESG Policies

Most voters are unfamiliar with the left-wing investment ideology environmental, social, and governance (ESG), according to a recent Harvard/Harris poll.

Poll: Most Voters Are Unfamiliar with Left-Wing ESG Policies

When respondents were asked if they had heard of ESG investing, 64 percent of the 1,845 registered voter respondents said they had not heard of it, while only 36 percent said they had. ESG investing is a form of leftist activism in the financial sector used to influence the way Wall Street financial firms and corporations, such as BlackRock, continue to take social and political positions that do not relate to their business, much like stances associated with climate change, as well as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda. Additionally, the poll found that less than half (48 percent) think that investment managers have a “duty” to consider the climate and ESG when investing their hard-earned money. On the other hand, a majority (52 percent) think “investment managers have a duty to prioritize returns above all else.” Furthermore, respondents were asked about President Joe Biden’s recent veto of a bill that would have reversed his Labor Department rule allowing left-wing ESG policies to be considered in retirement investing. A majority (53 percent) supported his veto to allow retirement fund managers to incorporate ESG. In comparison, 47 percent opposed the veto because retirement fund managers should not be authorized to integrate ESG into investing. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager that proudly pushes ESG investing, which has caused the company to receive backlash from Republicans at all levels of government — from states like West Virginia and Texas, state treasurers, the House of Representatives, and presidential candidates. In fact, a majority (56 percent) of the respondents also supported states blacklisting financial companies for using ESG investing tactics, even though state laws can potentially force state pensions and other public entities to sell their shares in some funds. Only 44 percent opposed it.

The Harvard/Harris poll was conducted from April 18 to 19, with 1,845 registered voters.

There was no margin of error given. Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

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