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Polyunsaturated fats and endotoxins drive Alzheimer’s

Polyunsaturated fats and endotoxins drive Alzheimer’s

Tau protein protects brain cells from oxidative stress and toxic lipids by forming protective lipid droplets in glial cells.

Amyloid beta accumulation may be a protective response in areas of high brain metabolic activity, not the primary cause of Alzheimer’s.

Excessive consumption of polyunsaturated fats (“PUFAs”) in seed oils and exposure to endotoxins disrupt gut health, leading to inflammation and oxidative stress in your brain.

Leaky gut and disturbed microbiome contribute to chronic inflammation, metabolic dysfunction and neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Holistic approaches focusing on gut health, mitochondrial function and addressing root causes is more effective than targeting tau and amyloid beta directly.

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PUFAs and Endotoxins Drive Alzheimer’s While Tau and Amyloid Beta Protect Brain

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

You’ve likely heard that the accumulation of tau and amyloid beta proteins in the brain causes Alzheimer’s disease. However, emerging evidence suggests these proteins may be protective responses to underlying issues, rather than the root cause of the disease.

Research published in Nature Neuroscience adds additional insight to the role of tau protein in brain health, challenging long-held beliefs about its involvement in Alzheimer’s disease.1 The study revealed that tau protects your brain cells from oxidative stress and toxic lipids.

Tau protein, it turns out, is essential for the formation of lipid droplets in glial cells – the support cells that surround and protect your neurons. These lipid droplets act as a defence mechanism, helping to neutralise harmful oxidised lipids that damage your brain cells.

When researchers increased tau levels in glial cells, it disrupted this protective process, making the cells more vulnerable to toxic lipids produced by stressed neurons. In other words, the tau accumulations seen in Alzheimer’s disease may be your brain’s attempt to combat ongoing damage, rather than the primary culprit.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Positive Role of Tau in Brain Health
  2. Accumulation of Amyloid Beta Is a Protective Mechanism
  3. How Seed Oils and Endotoxins Drive Alzheimer’s Disease
  4. The Dangers of Leaky Gut and Endotoxemia
  5. Holistic Approaches to Brain Health
  6. The Revolutionary Path to Healing and Longevity
  7. The Hidden Health Crisis
  8. Introducing ‘Your Guide to Cellular Health’
  9. Sources and References
  10. About the Author

The Positive Role of Tau in Brain Health

Your brain’s glial cells are important for maintaining your cognitive health and have developed a fascinating mechanism to protect your brain from oxidative stress. When your neurons experience high levels of reactive oxygen species (“ROS”), they produce and put out toxic peroxidated lipids (“LPOs”) as a self-preservation strategy.

LPOs are what happens to PUFAs once they are damaged. Your glial cells then come to the rescue, taking up these dangerous lipids and storing them in lipid droplets.2

This process is like a cellular recycling program, where your glial cells safely contain and break down the toxic lipids that could otherwise harm your neurons. The study found that tau protein is crucial for this protective mechanism to function properly.

Without sufficient tau, your glial cells struggle to form these protective lipid droplets, leaving your neurons more vulnerable to oxidative damage. This discovery highlights the importance of maintaining a delicate balance of tau in your brain – too little is just as problematic as too much.

Accumulation of Amyloid Beta Is a Protective Mechanism

A prevailing theory about Alzheimer’s disease has focused on the accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques as the primary culprit behind cognitive decline. However, accumulating research suggests Aβ plays a protective role in the brain.3

One study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia,4 found a correlation between Aβ accumulation and glucose metabolism in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Contrary to popular belief, regions with higher average glucose metabolism showed greater Aβ deposition. This suggests that Aβ may accumulate more readily in areas of the brain with higher metabolic activity as a protective measure.

Think of Aβ as your brain’s attempt to shield itself from damage in its most active regions. However, this protection appears to have limits. In individual brain regions of Alzheimer’s patients, higher Aβ levels corresponded with lower glucose metabolism, indicating that excessive Aβ accumulation may eventually impair normal brain function.

This dual nature of Aβ – protective at first but potentially harmful in excess – could explain why Alzheimer’s treatments targeting Aβ removal have been largely unsuccessful.5

Despite this, the US Food and Drug Administration continues to approve risky Alzheimer’s drugs, including Leqembi, which bind to amyloid beta in the brain. Reliance on drugs to reduce amyloid beta is, at best, misguided and, at worst, exposing patients to potentially life-threatening adverse effects for no benefit. Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disease that requires a holistic approach for prevention and treatment.

Rather than being the primary causes of neurodegeneration, tau protein and Aβ appear to be your brain’s response to underlying damage. Tau, in particular, has been associated with stabilising microtubules in neurons and may play a role in protecting against oxidative stress. Similarly, Aβ may act as an antioxidant and help seal damaged blood vessels.

Your brain produces these proteins as a defence mechanism, but when the underlying causes of damage persist, their accumulation becomes excessive and potentially harmful. This perspective shift emphasises the importance of addressing root causes like metabolic dysfunction and inflammation rather than focusing on removing tau and Aβ.

How Seed Oils and Endotoxins Drive Alzheimer’s Disease

A thriving gut ecosystem is essential for your overall health, including brain function. This diverse community of microorganisms plays a crucial role in protecting you against various diseases, including Alzheimer’s, but diets rich in polyunsaturated fats (“PUFAs”), including linoleic acid found in seed oils, destroy your gut health, leading to a cascade of harmful effects. Bioenergetic researcher Georgi Dinkov explains:6

Fostering beneficial oxygen-intolerant bacteria in your gut, including important species like Akkermansia, strengthens your intestinal defences and promotes overall wellness. These beneficial bacteria ferment dietary fibres to produce short-chain fatty acids (“SCFAs”), particularly butyrate.

Notably, butyrate-producing bacteria like Eubacterium and Eisenbergiella were associated with lower Alzheimer’s risk.8 Butyrate nourishes your colonic epithelial cells, reinforcing the intestinal barrier. SCFAs also stimulate mucin production, creating a protective shield against harmful bacteria.

The Dangers of Leaky Gut and Endotoxemia

A reduction in oxygen-intolerant bacteria leads to increased intestinal permeability, or leaky gut. This allows toxins, undigested food particles and harmful microbes to enter your bloodstream, triggering systemic inflammation and chronic health issues. This inflammation may contribute to the underlying damage that prompts the protective accumulation of Aβ and tau in the brain. Oxygen-intolerant bacteria are vital for converting indigestible plant fibres into beneficial fats.

They thrive in an oxygen-free environment, which requires adequate cellular energy to maintain. However, factors like seed oil consumption, and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (“EDCs”) in plastics and electromagnetic fields (“EMFs”) impair this energy production, making it difficult to sustain the ideal no-oxygen gut environment.

Further, the toxic lipids that tau helps neutralise are often a byproduct of excessive consumption of PUFAs and exposure to endotoxins. These factors trigger chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in your brain, leading to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s.

A leading cause of death is, if not the number one cause of death, in my view, endotoxemia resulting in septic shock. This occurs when you secrete endotoxin from facultative anaerobes, also known as oxygen-tolerant bacteria, which shouldn’t be in your gut. These pathogenic bacteria produce a highly virulent form of endotoxin, or lipopolysaccharide (“LPS”), which causes inflammation if they cross your compromised gut barrier into systemic circulation.

I am about to introduce a new easy term into the vocabulary to identify this concept which is “Mighty Shock.” “Mighty” is short for mitochondria and describes the target of endotoxin, your mitochondria. The reason why endotoxin release is so dangerous is that it poisons and shuts down your mitochondria. I will discuss this topic much more in the future so be prepared for more articles on “Mighty Shock.”

This chronic low-grade inflammation contributes to the metabolic dysfunction that precedes Aβ accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease, as discussed in the earlier study. Thus, a leaky gut, or a disturbed microbiome, is one of the fundamental causes of all disease including neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

Improving mitochondrial function and maintaining a healthy gut ecosystem promotes beneficial bacteria growth while reducing harmful endotoxin effects. This approach mitigates factors contributing to dementia and other chronic diseases by addressing the root causes of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction, rather than focusing on removing Aβ and tau proteins.

Holistic Approaches to Brain Health

Understanding the protective roles of Aβ and tau, along with the importance of gut health, opens up new avenues for Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment. Instead of targeting these proteins directly, future therapies may focus on supporting your brain’s natural protective mechanisms while addressing underlying causes of neurodegeneration.

This includes strategies to reduce inflammation and optimise brain metabolism through gut health interventions. By nurturing a healthy gut microbiome and addressing factors that disrupt the balance of oxygen-intolerant and oxygen-tolerant bacteria, you may be able to maintain the protective effects of Aβ and tau while preventing their excessive accumulation.

[Related: What harm will Bill Gates’ anti-methane vaccine cause to animals and the environment?]

Armed with this new understanding, you can take proactive steps to support your brain health and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. By adopting a holistic approach to brain health that addresses these underlying factors, you support your brain’s natural protective mechanisms and maintain cognitive function as you age. In addition to optimising your mitochondrial function, the strategies below may also help reduce your Alzheimer’s risk.

The Revolutionary Path to Healing and Longevity

For the last 50 years, I have been in a relentless pursuit of how to optimise health and wellness and prevent disease. Every year I get closer to the truth. But this time, I am convinced I have finally uncovered the kernels of truth that will help nearly everyone recover from whatever physical illness they are suffering from.

I’ve uncovered a groundbreaking revelation that has the astounding capacity to transform global health and that is the power of cellular energy. This isn’t just another health trend; it’s the fundamental key to unlocking your body’s innate healing abilities and achieving lasting vitality.

The Hidden Health Crisis

Nearly everyone reading this is only making about one-third of the energy they require to reverse disease and power their body to regenerate and repair damaged cells. Nearly all of us are in the black hole of self-perpetuating destruction of our gut bacteria that are crucial to helping us regain our full energy potential.

Here’s a startling fact: A very sensitive and inexpensive blood test shows us that over 99% of us have insulin resistance, and as a result, are unknowingly living with compromised cellular energy. This silent epidemic explains why millions struggle with persistent health issues, feeling trapped in a cycle of treatments that never quite solves the problem. But there’s hope, and it lies within your very cells.

Imagine a life where your body hums with energy, where healing happens naturally, and where age is just a number. This isn’t a far-off dream – it’s the reality that I have been experiencing for over a year now and awaits when you master the art of cellular health.

Introducing ‘Your Guide to Cellular Health’

My newest book, ‘Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy’ is not just a manual – it’s your passport to a revolution in personal wellness. This comprehensive guide will empower you with life-changing knowledge:

  • Discover how to fuel your mitochondria for boundless energy and rapid healing.
  • Uncover the secrets of metabolism that keep you vibrant and resilient against ageing and disease.
  • Identify and eliminate the three primary mitochondrial saboteurs lurking in your environment.
  • Master innovative cutting-edge lifestyle and dietary strategies that supercharge your cellular energy production.

This isn’t about quick fixes or temporary solutions. It’s about fundamentally transforming your health at its very foundation – your cells.

[Dr. Mercola’s book ‘Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy’ is due to be released on 22 October (e-book) and 10 December (print).  You can pre-order a copy HERE.]

Sources and References

About the Author

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder and owner of, a Board-Certified Family Medicine Osteopathic Physician, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a New York Times bestselling author.  He publishes multiple articles a day covering a wide range of topics on his website

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