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Portable Homeless Shelters: How You Can Be A Part Of Change & Save Lives

Just under a week ago I was contacted by an individual to take a look at an initiative that someone had begun to help combat homelessness in their home town and surrounding areas..

Portable Homeless Shelters: How You Can Be A Part Of Change & Save Lives

The initiative involves building portable homeless shelters that give those in need a dry and warm place to stay as the winter further thrusts itself upon many parts of North America. Homelessness is an issue that we at Collective Evolution explored quite extensively over the course of 2014. Through the release of several articles (which you can read by clicking HERE) we helped to shed light on a glaring issue that we can all be a part of correcting. Because of this, the decision to help spread the campaign of those at Hvgz Portable Homeless Shelters seemed only natural.

The campaign itself is being run through Go Fund Me, and is an initiative specifically designed to raise the money needed to construct these portable homeless shelters. Homelessness is always an issue to be addressed, but it is particularly in the winter months that frost bite, hypothermia and pneumonia -amongst other serious issues -become an increasing concern. Through the campaign you are able to directly support an initiative that puts your money into action and saves the lives of those in need. You can find out more about the campaign and support it by clicking HERE. As of an update posted merely hours prior to me writing this article, the second portable homeless shelter has officially been fully constructed and is ready to help an individual in need.

These two shelters have been made possible by the donations of people like me and you and are a great start to this empowering initiative. Supporters are able to stay fully in the loop and see where their donation is going via the campaign’s facebook page, which you can view by clicking HERE. More information and the opportunity to contribute is just a click away. Click on the following banner to be a part of change and to help support an initiative that’s about making a difference by taking an issue directly into our own hands: Even if you are unable to contribute financially, you can still support the campaign by sharing it (or this article) to your friends and followers via social media. Let this initiative also serve as an empowering reminder that we can all be an active part of creating change in this world, so don’t be afraid to put any ideas you have into action. Related CE Post: Feeding The Homeless – Give Back Project .

Read the full article at the original website


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