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Portland To Generate Electricity From Turbines Installed In City Water Pipes

Portland will launch a program in March 2019 that will begin generating energy via turbines in city water pipes beneath the streets.

Portland To Generate Electricity From Turbines Installed In City Water Pipes

This is great, but is this truly all we are capable of? Do we not already know there are much better and more efficient technologies available? Are we ready to shift our consciousness out of our current world to pave way for new technologies? Where there is a will there is a way. This particular story is cool to me as it was an idea that crossed my mind years ago and it’s incredible seeing it being brought into being. But that idea was from 8 years ago, since then I have come to realize how primitive these ideas truly are. But more on that discussion in a moment. Portland will be generating some electricity via water running through their city water pipes. Think about it. All the water that runs through those pipes to do the already daily tasks of washing, showering, drinking, cleaning and growing will now help to also generate electricity. After partnering with a company called Lucid Energy, the city will begin to generate clean electricity from the water flowing under its streets. Thus far, Portland has begun replacing a section of its existing water supply network with Lucid Energy’s specially designed pipes that contain four forty-two inch turbines. As water flows through the pipes the turbines spin and provides power to attached generators. Those generators feed energy into the city’s existing electrical grid.

The project is known as the “Conduit 3 Hydroelectric Project,” and is scheduled to be fully up and running in March of this year.

The promotional video describes the technology and innovative idea of harnessing power through city water pipes: Unlike wind and solar, this solution does not rely on the weather, making it a more stable and reliable solution for energy. How much can it output? The current project will be able to power 150 homes over the course of the year. Keep in mind this project is only being rolled out in a section of the city. Some limitations exist as well. Turbines will only work in pipes where water flows downhill. This is so water does not have to be pumped, as the energy necessary to pump the water would negate the energy generated from the turbines. However there are pluses, the system also monitors the overall condition of a city’s water supply network as well as assess the drinking quality of the water flowing through it. A look at how the pipes function. While this idea is great and a step in the right direction, some deeper thought helps us realize how our current systems and structures do not easily allow for all-out solutions to our challenges to be implemented as everything we create has to fit within the confines of industry, creating jobs and limiting disruption. This is the result of a system, that at its core, is built on debt based banking. We must come to terms with the fact that we will not see the advent of any real and practical solutions until we let go of this system of commerce and develop a world that truly allows humanity to thrive, and for technologies to be made available without the fear of disruption. After all, are we truly limited to the primitive forms of exchange we see being used today? Or is that simply what we have been convinced of? These are important questions to ask as they are the physical basis of how we are struggling as a whole. At CE, we have been researching, working with, funding, and following future technology for over 8 years that could revolutionize the way we provide energy to society. Wind, solar and even this idea are primitive jokes compared to what I have witnessed in labs with my own eyes. Why do these technologies stay hidden? Simple, not only does our infrastructure hold this back but so does our state of consciousness. We explore this in detail in our interview with the president of the New Energy Movement Susan Manewich: You can watch our entire 3 part interview with Susan on CETV. As discussed, what we see projected in our world is a result of our overall state of collective consciousness, and what we decide to create and hold onto via belief in our current state of collective consciousness. It’s all an outward reflection. This is made up of our individual beliefs and actions compounded into the collective. In looking at collective consciousness further, the very fact that we believe various things are not possible, and based on the fact that we hold onto to a system that does not truly support us so tightly, helps to keep these technologies suppressed and our world in a state of struggle.

The video below discusses collective consciousness in detail and how it relates to this issue: We are seeing steps in the right direction if you want to call it that. But are we limited in solving our issues by playing in the very system of commerce we have before us? The system that enslaves humanity and limits us via debt based banking? It is only when we begin to shift our consciousness enough to step out of the world that we are in today that we will see the rise of new technologies that can solve the challenges we face today.

There is truly no shortage of advanced technologies that can revolutionize our world, we simply are limiting our reality based on the state of consciousness we operate from. Are we ready to let go of the world we seem to be holding onto so deeply even though we don’t seem to be happy within it? .

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