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Portugal Just Went 4 Straight Days Running Completely On Renewable Energy

Generally speaking, renewable energy is clean and non-polluting, with many forms not emitting any greenhouse gases or toxic waste during the process of creating electricity.

Portugal Just Went 4 Straight Days Running Completely On Renewable Energy

Cost-effective and efficient, renewable energy is a sustainable option than can be relied on for the long-term. That’s why it comes as no surprise that governments around the world are turning to it to end our dependence on fossil fuels. And as it continues to popularize, historic achievements are being made, the latest happening in Portugal. According to recent numbers released by Portugal’s ZERO System Sustainable Land Association in collaboration with the Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN), the country ran solely on renewable energy for a total of four days this month. This 107-hour run began Saturday morning, May 7, and ended early Wednesday evening, May 11. Solar, wind, and hydro electricity were the renewable sources used during this record-setting event. “These data show that Portugal can be more ambitious in a transition to a net consumption of electricity from 100 percent renewable, with huge reductions of emissions of greenhouse gases, which cause global warming and consequent climate change,” a statement on the ZERO website read. .

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