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Qatari researchers find SARS-CoV-2 accelerates biological ageing

Qatari researchers find SARS-CoV-2 accelerates biological ageing

Since 2021, Walter Chestnut has been investigating whether SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein causes accelerated biological ageing.

On Monday, researchers from Qatar published a paper that explored and summarised research on biological ageing markers in covid patients.  This paper confirmed Chestnut’s hypothesis that the spike protein induces accelerated ageing.

The hallmarks of ageing are a set of biological processes that contribute to the ageing process and are characterised by a progressive loss of physiological integrity, leading to impaired function and increased vulnerability to death. These hallmarks were first proposed by Carlos López-Otín and his colleagues in 2013 and have since been widely accepted as a framework for understanding the molecular basis of ageing.

There are nine hallmarks of ageing.  The Qatari researchers focused on two: epigenetic alterations and telomere attrition.

Epigenetic alterations are changes in gene expression that occur without altering the underlying DNA sequence, which can lead to altered cellular function and behaviour. Telomere attrition is the shortening of telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, which can lead to cellular senescence and genomic instability.

The Qatari researchers found “multiple studies utilising different epigenetic clocks unveiled epigenetic age acceleration and telomere shortening in covid-19 patients, particularly in severe cases.”

Yesterday, Chestnut published an article about the newly published study, comparing it to his own research.  While both the Qatari researchers and Chestnut focus on SARS-CoV-2, we should bear in mind that covid injections induce cells in the bodies of recipients to produce the spike protein that is found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Confirmation of My 2021 Hypothesis that the Spike Protein Induces Accelerated Aging

By Walter Chestnut

In November 2021, I published a post on Twitter (now X) demonstrating how the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces all nine “hallmarks of ageing” as defined in the classic paper by Carlos López-Otín et al.

I had formed the hypothesis in early 2021 and by November enough had been published to prove it in theory. The paper published yesterday proves it in fact.

Here is my post from November 2021: ‘Hallmarks of Ageing and the Spike’.

The findings published yesterday focus on two of the nine hallmarks of ageing that the spike protein induces. These are epigenetic alterations by methylation and telomere attrition.

Let’s first look at DNA methylation.

As I wrote in November 2021, the spike protein induces this:

The other aspect of biological ageing that yesterday’s paper focused on is telomere shortening.

Once again, as I wrote in November 2021, the spike protein alone induces telomere shortening.

What concerns me is that the forest is not being seen, only the trees. Isn’t it clear? Repeated exposures to the spike protein will almost certainly continually induce these effects. Three exposures? Thank you very much for fifteen years of your life! Capisce?

If there is a silver lining in all of this, it is that since we understood the fundamentals correctly here, it is much more likely that the therapeutics we have been discussing are perhaps more likely to ameliorate these conditions. I will keep working. As always.

About the Author

Walter Chestnut is an American web developer, market strategist, covid researcher and the principal investigator at WMC Research, a website that contains hypotheses, which are intended to stimulate studies, additional research and dialogue about covid-19.  In 2021, he co-authored an opinion piece in France-Soir with the late Luc Montagnier about SARS-CoV-2 accelerating biological age.  He also publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘WMC Research’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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