Re-Think 9/11 Truth Campaign Gains Mainstream Momentum
12 years after the infamous and still argued “attacks” that brought down New York City’s World Trade Centre 1, World Trade Centre 2 and the lesser publicized World Trade Centre 7, we can breathe a sigh of relief as the mainstream media and Ottawa politicos are finally coming around and questioning the official NATO mainstream media narrative – the one that was heavily pushed by certain governmental efforts through the platform of our current mainstream media. On Wednesday, November 20th 2013, David Long (9/11 survivor and Founder of 9/11 Justice Canada) and Isabelle Beenen (Spokeswoman for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) delivered powerful statements to the Ottawa Transit Commission amidst a debate regarding advertising standards.
The debate itself was sparked by the Re-Think 9/11 Campaign which has been running public education ads in major cities across North America since September of this year.
The events of September 11th 2001 were the catalyst for war and devastation upon humanity. Not to mention the excuse used for our privacy and fundamental human rights to be stripped away in the name of ‘national security.’ Here is another powerful set of statements from Iraq War Veterans: If you support a new investigation and full-disclosure about the events of September 11th 2001 and its global aftermath, please visit the official Re-Think Website. SOURCES,_6_Oct_2008 .
Read the full article at the original website