Reader Email: Overcoming Hopelessness About Child Trafficking
I received a heartfelt email from a reader who captures the feeling of hopelessness that some people who are awakening feel in the face of global child trafficking.

I felt that it would be good to address this in an article for all to consider. What is each individual's role in the awakening of humanity to the reality of things like child trafficking? Is it possible that our own state of mind about it has an impact as to how effective we are in fostering this awakening? On this occasion of my 100th article for Collective Evolution since I started back in April, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank my readers for their emails of inquiry, commentary, encouragement and appreciation. Although it’s getting difficult, I still try to respond personally to each one, because I have gained a lot of insight and inspiration from them. As well, I believe that the work of community-building, which is a mandate of Collective Evolution that I strongly believe in, occurs mainly as a result of the quality of our one-on-one interactions with each other. I happened to get an email from a reader a few days ago, and I immediately felt that she was raising a point that was relevant to many people in the awakening community. I asked her if I could publish her email and my response to it in an article, which would give me the time to respond thoroughly to her question. She graciously agreed, and so here it is. Richard, Great article. I am awakened single mother of three daughters immigrant from eastern Europe. I got this awareness about child trafficking torture and magnitude of this terrible problem already when majority of people were deeply asleep. I was reading Kevin Annett’s website and listening to him explaining atrocities in residential schools in Canada. Murder and abuse of native Indian populations already back in 1960 and crown of England plus pope’s involvement. Since I learned about it I struggle.
The feeling is not disbelieve. I went through anger phase long time ago. I know its true and the only problem I have is what can I do how can I help. As immigrant I do not have any network of people to connect with talk to, or form some groups. I think Richard the problem is we are scattered and isolated.
The people at work places and family do not want to hear about it.
They are not ready to hear about this at all. Making them listen is not productive.They are deeply asleep or in denial.
They get upset when this is brought up, they do not believe its true. I would like to do something. I have such a feeling of wanting to help those children, protect them...but see no way to know how. Working in organizations that are infiltrated is no use. So what do you suggest for us people to do? We go to work. We take care of family barely making ends meet. How can we can break this network??? I struggle with that. None of the people I know would believe or even want to listen. And you cannot force the information on people. Especially those people in my work who have no idea... I feel so useless not being able to do something about it. I think there are more people like me. People who know but are completely alone in that knowing. That makes it hard.
There are groups and communities and truthers like David Wilcock and others...but people like me have no money to go to conferences and participate in these movements. Just letting you know there is tremendous will to help this but also huge inertia caused by isolation of majority of people like me...We hear all the time from people like you or others that it is up to us the people. We are the people.
The problem is we are scattered and not united. We have no tools. Thanks for your article. All the best, Bogna Dear Bogna, I thank you for expressing so eloquently the hopelessness that I believe is felt by many people who awaken to the reality of child trafficking. This awakening has led to our collective understanding that child trafficking is not the result of scattered efforts of individual groups of profiteers, but is a highly organized network coming from the very upper reaches of our authority, and is coordinated with other wicked agendas such as gun and drug trafficking, organ harvesting, environmental upheaval, massive financial fraud, genocide, and the like. I have wrestled for the past few decades over the question of what to do if we see situations in the world that clearly need to change if we as a collective are to survive and to thrive.
The struggle in my mind was between two ends of the spectrum, each of which I felt had some validity: It was only when I finally saw there was a higher synthesis of these two polarities that I felt I had found the satisfactory answer to my question. And so excited was I about this answer that I dramatized it in a one-person multimedia play entitled “Action“, which I performed last November. I will attempt to outline the conclusions I came to.
The Spiritual Realm. Based on my spiritual beliefs, which have their roots in many of our great spiritual traditions, I see the physical world as maya, the ‘illusion,’ and understand that we are truly spiritual beings having a physical experience. I believe we all chose to come here at this time, chose the family we were born into and the circumstances of our lives, in order to live through the conditions which would be optimal for our soul’s growth. We enter this physical ‘game’ for the joy of physical experience, and for the purpose of growing and expanding our individual and collective consciousness through the experience. As I quoted from Hidden-Hand in my final Lucifer article, Remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here. We are actors, playing on the “stage of Life”. This ‘world’ is all illusion, or ‘though-form’. No one really “dies”, and no one is really hurt. In between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all ‘real’ whilst you are playing the game of Life. That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices. Otherwise, the game would be too easy.
The Material Realm. Having said that, we came here to play the game, with every ounce of care and conviction we’ve got. For all intents and purposes, we are meant to treat this as real and act accordingly. We are cautioned not to use our spiritual beliefs as an excuse to avoid or recoil from the life experiences we came here to have. People who are called upon to act courageously when a given situation calls for it may sometimes use their spiritual beliefs to try to rationalize their cowardice or complicity with wrongdoing. That is not why we are here, and that is not the proper use of spiritual knowledge. Every act is an act of self-definition. With everything we do we are illustrating who we are as a species.
The commission of acts which we know to be wrong within this relative plane of existence, the condoning of such acts, or even turning a blind eye to them all serve to limit who we are as a collective, and impacts our ability to actually create the world we want for ourselves. How This Relates To Child Trafficking. This is how all this relates to child trafficking and all the other horrors that our community is awakening to.
The first thing is that we cannot be prisoners of our history. We have to reconcile our knowledge about the amount of suffering and damage that has been inflicted upon our children in the past. We have to accept the past to truly be effective in the present. Here is where a higher spiritual perception can be useful: it gives us the understanding that all children who went through suffering in the past came to the Earth by choice, and now that they are in the higher realms they are not suffering.
They played a chosen role inside the game and they are now safe and happy outside of the game. When we feel a sense of hopelessness, it is because we have not reconciled the past, and we believe that what happened in the past is bound to continue in the future. In that way, our hopelessness, on an energetic level, actually maintains things as they were in the past, which we obviously don’t want. We have to feel hope if we are to be a positive force of change. So we have to overcome that hopelessness, and replace it with intention. We as individuals in the awakening community who want to end the suffering and trauma of child trafficking in the world must hold the intention that humanity will end child trafficking.
Then, rather than hopelessness, we not only have hope, but we start to emanate the type of energy that brings about change. This energy is the source of what is manifested in the world, and if we focus this energy with an intention, then it naturally changes the collective consciousness. Unconscious people will then automatically start to think in a new way. To the specific points that those around us are asleep, that the awakened ones are scattered and unable to galvanize into any kind of force that will do any good, I would say this: be the light. If you have awareness but you are in a state of hopelessness, the light of your awareness will not shine, the power of your energy will not open the minds of those around you. Once you let go of hopelessness, and ground yourself in the intention that we will end child trafficking, you may be surprised that you suddenly start attracting like-minded people into conversations, or some of the people who dismissed these claims in the past are suddenly opening their minds, and showing an interest. You did not come to this life to be upset that you have no way to do what you think needs to be done. You came here into this life to work within your circumstances. If that means being a single working mother with three children, then that is the context you were meant to work through. If it is impossible for you to band together with other awakened, like-minded beings, then that is not what you came here to do. Your awakening in itself has caused a change in the collective consciousness. Now, in the quiet of your own mind, free from distraction and fear, your inner voice will let you know what your role is within your circumstances. If you are able to let go of any attachment to the suffering of children in the past, and thereby let go of hopelessness, you will start to see some magic synchronicity in your life coming from the powerful energy of your intention. We will end child trafficking, Bogna. Please join me in that intention. Take care, Richard .
Read the full article at the original website