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Ready To Stop Procrastinating? This Insight Changes Everything.

For most of my life, I have been a perfectionist.A perfectionist when it comes to myself, my work, and even my life’s journey as a whole.

Ready To Stop Procrastinating? This Insight Changes Everything.

. I believed that I needed to be absolutely ready, clear and “in the know” before I could take initiative, make precise choices, or set intentions for myself, and that in only this state of readiness would I feel peaceful, certain, and balanced. Well guess what? Life ain’t so picky, and it’s not supposed to be. It doesn’t always wait for us, so why should we always wait for it? Besides, wouldn’t it be just a little boring and stagnant to live our lives always certain of where it’s leading? Watch this video by TigMonk. It is the perfect insight to help us stop going in circles and step into our full potential! Let Your Lessons Come By Way Of Following Your Heart .

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