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Relationship between personality types in MBTI and dream structure variables

This study aimed to explore relationships between personality type variables and dream structure variables

Relationship between personality types in MBTI and dream structure variables

In the questionnaire experiment (N=410), we investigated associations between different personality variables in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire (MBTI) and various aspects of dreams in the Mannheim Dream questionnaire (MADRE).

The MBTI has four dimensions. In the Extroversion/Introversion (E/I) dimension, I types dreamt more of emotional intensity and passive emotions than E types. Besides, I types may get more distressing in nightmares than E types. E types were more frequent to share their dreams with others. In the Sensation/Intuition (S/N) dimension, N types had a more positive attitude towards dreams and can get more novel ideas and helps from their dreams than S types. In the dream diary experiment (N=47), we investigated whether the S/N dimension may influence waking events' incorporating into dreams. External judges decoded paired waking events and dream reports. N types had more metaphorical incorporation than S types. More specifically, N types had more metaphorical expressions in their dreams than S types. This result may be due to the different characteristics between S types and N types. It may give support for the dream continuity hypothesis.

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