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Remember This When You Forget How ‘Powerful’ You Are

We all feel down at some point in our lives.Sometimes just a simple reminder of our true essence can bring everything into perspective, like the 28 quotes below.

Remember This When You Forget How ‘Powerful’ You Are
e. Easier said than done, but what action steps are you taking to feel better? We all feel down at some point in our lives, and some of us more than others. Sometimes we feel defeated, depressed, and unworthy. If you are anything like me, you may have spent a lot of time feeling broken, ashamed, and guilty, too.

These are some of the most difficult emotions to feel about yourself. This was at a time in my life, where, although I had woken up to a conscious understanding, and had learned about many spiritual concepts — how to overcome challenging experiences, the idea that everything happens for a reason, etc. — for the life of me, I could not implement this knowledge and understanding into my life. I felt as though there was actually something wrong with me, that maybe my mind worked differently, or maybe something in me was blocking me from progressing. I was trapped, and I felt truly broken. I compared myself to others around me and just thought they had it easier. I was stuck in this victim mentality.

There were, however, a few pieces of writing and wisdom that I had collected over the years that truly helped me through these hard times. A simple reminder of how powerful we truly are really touched me because, deep down, despite these low feelings, I knew that like everyone else, I was a part of source — everything that is, God, whatever you want to call it. Yes, I realized that I just I said am God, but it’s okay because so are you! Sometimes just a simple reminder of our true essence can bring everything into perspective. I hope that you can find some solace in the following quotes when you are going through tough times, and don’t forget, “If you are going through hell, keep going.” 11 Pieces Of Wisdom That Will Get You Through Any Hardship Why This Is The Greatest Relationship You Will Ever Have 5 Simple Steps To Help You Recognize Your Self-Worth How To Change Your Life For The Better In One Month An art piece and lunar calendar all in one. This calendar features moon phases for every day of the month for the entirety of 2020. Hologrpahic foil set on a dark 11" x 11" poster makes the moon's phases shimmer as light strikes them in this unique .

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