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Richard D. Hall is on trial next week for having the audacity to challenge the state about the “Manchester Arena bombing hoax”

Richard D.

Richard D. Hall is on trial next week for having the audacity to challenge the state about the “Manchester Arena bombing hoax”

Hall is a British journalist and broadcaster who presented an independent forensic investigation into the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. He claimed that the incident was a staged event, involving a pyrotechnic-type device, a drill scenario and state agents.

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In May 2020 Richard Hall of Rich Planet TV released a documentary about his investigation into the Manchester Arena bombing titled ‘Manchester: The Night of the Bang’.  His investigation focused on the lack of blast damage in the City Room area, where most victims were. He claimed Salman Abedi, the bomber, was an “intelligence asset” and that members of the public had been recruited and tasked with “portraying fake injuries.”

He presented photographic evidence, which he said showed no signs of bomb blast damage.  Hall also analysed statements from crisis actors and alleged inconsistencies in their testimonies.  He suggested that the victims, including Martin and Eve Hibbert, were not actually at the concert and were instead recruited to portray fake injuries.

You can watch the first part of Hall’s documentary HERE and watch the full documentary HERE.

In April 2023, Martin and Eve Hibbert sued Richard D. Hall for defamation and harassment, alleging that his claims damaged their reputation and caused distress.  In February, a High Court judge ruled in favour of the Hibberts, describing Hall’s claims as “absurd and fantastical.” 

The judge rejected Hall’s claims that the bombing was staged and that the victims were not genuine and the ruling reaffirmed the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing, which was a terrorist attack carried out by Salman Abedi.

Hall was ordered to pay damages to the Hibberts.  The case was listed for a further hearing to decide consequential orders, costs and directions.

Hall submitted an appeal in April 2024. At a hearing on 21 June 2024, the judge rejected Hall’s renewed application for permission to appeal. A trial is scheduled to begin on 22 July 2024 at the High Court, with a time estimate of 4 days.

Read more: Court Case, Rich Planet TV

Iain Davis has previously written two articles about Hall’s case that have been published by Off Guardian.  He has also recently published a book in defence of Hall’s investigation and the Manchester Arena bombing hoax:

In a tweet yesterday, Davis again highlighted Hall’s court case and encouraged people to buy and read his book:

The following is a synopsis of Davis’ book.

The Manchester Attack

A gripping horror story for our times, The Manchester Attack exposes the covert state and then tears it apart.

The Manchester Arena bombing was a terrible wound inflicted on the psyche of a nation. The loss of life felt immense. The sense of injustice seemed unbearable. Our emotions overflowed, threatening to overwhelm us. To question what we were told about the bombing was unthinkable.

Yet one investigative journalist did dare raise questions. Richard D. Hall examined every scrap of evidence. He diligently pored over every single image, every forensic detail, every eyewitness account, every official report, every news story. When he looked the state in the eye, the state blinked.

In The Manchester Attack, which builds on Hall’s work, investigative journalist and author Iain Davis unearths still more crucial evidence that further reveals the unpalatable truth. The terrorist attack that this book revisits was not a suicide bombing. It did not kill 22 people and injure many more. Rather, it was a hoax and, as such, a psychological attack on us all.

Davis leads the reader through the minefield of censorship, propaganda and “disinformation” that the state deployed for the purpose of steering public opinion and behaviour. He scrutinises the evidence that authorities tried to cover up and asks the reader to do the same. His conclusions, though startling, are firmly grounded in irrefutable physical evidence.

Richard D. Hall has been hounded, character-assassinated, labelled a conspiracy theorist and prosecuted for doing what investigative journalists are supposed to do: boldly confronting and querying the centres of power.

Davis explores the unbelievable pre-trial rulings in Hall’s High Court case. Were it not for this book’s thorough dissection of the decisions made by the court, the court’s blanket refusal to examine the evidence would be the last word.

The Manchester Attack is a meticulous analysis of the psychological weapons used by the state to control the population. Calling the event a prime example of false flag terrorism, Davis tackles head-on the official information gatekeepers, censors, and propagandists and lays bare the deceptive methods of the state’s social engineers.

Enthralling, fastidiously researched, and often shocking, The Manchester Attack is a critical must-read that sheds light on the dark machinations of the covert state and continues Richard D. Hall’s search for justice – not just for the “victims” of the alleged Manchester Arena “bombing” but for all of us.

Featured image: Manchester Arena Attack. Source BBC

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