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Save This For The Next Time You Go Grocery Shopping

You’d think that grocery shopping would be one of the easier things in life.

Save This For The Next Time You Go Grocery Shopping

A simple necessity, the process of choosing and buying food is practically a family tradition for many people, and certainly was for me. I remember countless trips to the grocery store with my family as a child, and it’s something we all have to continue doing as adults, yet a surprising number of us still don’t really know how to grocery shop. This may sound odd at first, but it’s taken me a lot of trial and error to learn how to choose a fresh and ripe fruit or a tender vegetable, and I know I’m not the only one. When shopping for food, the produce aisle should be your best friend. It’s in this section of the store where you’ll find foods in their most whole and pure form, something our body appreciates and uses much better than processed and chemical-filled foods. Certain foods can help you in the fight against cancer, cleanse your liver, and even raise your vibration, and women can even ease their menstrual pain by choosing to eat certain foods during that time of the month. And if you’d like to take your produce shopping to the next level, choose organic so you can avoid the added pesticides and hormone-disrupting chemicals. I’ve compiled a list of some food hacks for those of us who may need a little more direction, or maybe a refresher for those well experienced produce shoppers.

The Perfect Watermelon The Best Bell Peppers The Freshest Beets Do you know any great tips and hacks for choosing other fruits and vegetables? Please share in the comments below! .

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