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Save This & Read It When You Are In A Bad Mood

For those times when you are feeling down and out because someone bailed on you and you think it’s because they don’t value spending time with you.

Save This & Read It When You Are In A Bad Mood

Or, maybe you got fired from a job or were broken up with and you are doubting your own ability and self as a person. Maybe you got into a fight with your parents or significant other and you’re mad as hell or think life is unfair. Whatever the case, a deep breath and these words can help for a moment to calm yourself and offer a different perspective. Sure they may not solve all of your problems, but no set of words can on their own. Maybe more conversations and reflection will be needed, but these can be that starting point to that journey. So yes, read this post now but save it for another time when you might need it even more than you do now. Perspective is important and when you are able to see the big picture as to why things are happening to you, the door opens for learning, growth and ultimately change. .

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