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Scalise: Biden Increases Carbon Emissions, Then His Answer Is to Raise Prices

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First,” House Minority Whip Rep.

Scalise: Biden Increases Carbon Emissions, Then His Answer Is to Raise Prices

Steve Scalise (R-LA) said President Joe Biden’s policies are increasing prices in the name of combatting climate change while he “jets all around on Air Force One.” And that Biden promotes energy production in other countries that has a bigger carbon footprint than American energy production, “So, it’s Biden’s policies that are increasing carbon emissions and his answer is to try to wreck the economy even more and raise prices on families even more.” Scalise stated, “[T]he code red emergency is American families who are struggling already, paying way too much at the pump, when they go to the grocery store, anywhere else for all of the high prices that are caused by what Joe Biden’s already done, all under the name of global warming and climate change and the Green New Deal.

They are wrecking the economy and raising costs on everybody while the president jets all around on Air Force One. He just came back from Saudi Arabia begging them to produce oil. We actually produce it cleaner in America, less carbon footprint to get it in America than anywhere in the world. If there is going to be oil produced anywhere, it should be right here. And yet, Joe Biden’s shutting it down. That’s increasing carbon emissions globally. So, it’s Biden’s policies that are increasing carbon emissions and his answer is to try to wreck the economy even more and raise prices on families even more.” He added, “China’s building a coal plant every single week while he’s shutting things down in America.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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