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Science: From A Spiritual Perspective

From the ant’s perspective, we as human beings are incomprehensible.

Science: From A Spiritual Perspective

We are so large and so powerful that the ant experiences us as part of their universe in the form of weather and all manner of “godly” forces from the sky. A simple flick of our hand produces an epic wind storm that lasts for half an ant’s lifetime. Truly powerful stuff. Now I invite you to look up at our so-called “sky.” Where does our concept of weather originate from? Scientists would have you believe weather is an interaction of various atoms and elements that produce atmospheric conditions in regards to temperature, wind, precipitation, etc.. Accurate? Yes, of course, but it is merely our way of conceptualizing the universe that is, by nature, incomprehensible. Imagine an ant, imagine their world. Patches of moss scatter the forest floor, mountains among the deserts of dirt. Days to travel and worlds away, sunlight breaks through the leaves- a drought drowns the land. Years pass in the blink of our eye, a terrifying rumble accompanies darkened skies. We are watching them, curiously intrigued. We are their storms, We are their stars, We are their gods, We are their heavens. And as the rain drop falls upon our head, We look up with wonderment and a newfound respect. Spirituality swallows science, encompassing it whole. Don’t get me wrong, science is a wonderful tool (when used humanely), but that’s all it is- a tool, restricted by human perception, to categorize all worldly concepts within a universal language of numbers and values. It’s just a way to exchange information more easily by transcending language barriers.

The sad thing is, most of us take scientific fact for ultimate truth, because it’s supposedly “proven,” yet it is only proven on our terms. It’s a very human thing. Science may explain our world, but what makes us, as human beings, so special to think we can possibly provide the answers to the universe? We’re just a minuscule, tiny fraction of all there is; of the entirety. And we think we know it all. We think we’re on top of the food chain and we think we’ve figured it all out. When will we be intelligent enough to deny our ego and embrace gratitude and reverence for the universe in which we exist? Modern, manmade society is a product of our mind’s dangerous ability to deviate from the intrinsic rhythm of nature to a mind game of greed, power, selfishness and deceit. We worship money, we manipulate people, we abuse the Earth, each other, and all of its inhabitants. We have forgotten how to tell the truth, and we have forgotten how to find it within ourselves. It’s past time we go back home, our true home. In nature, there is a freedom. A deep awareness of an almost historical sense of peace. And that peace is expressed as our human emotion of happiness. It’s an inner knowing that transcends any concept of language and expression. It is Home, our True North. Where is this home? Where is this “Heaven?” Look around you, look at your dog taking a mid-afternoon nap on the floor, the candle slowly burning on the kitchen table, and the stream of sunlight breaking through your bedroom window. Now look within yourself and see your connection to everything. Heaven is everywhere. We’re already home, we just need to realize it. When our physical human body “dies,” our soul, or our “energy”, seamlessly blends into anything and everything with a perfect harmony. We become a tiny part of a drop of water or a blade of grass; a fragment of a future human being or a particle of stardust. It is the delicate and harmonious balance of life that decides our fate. In retrospect, we are just a manifestation of an unbeknownst amount of energy (or as I like to call it, “soul essence”) from everything there ever was, is, and will be, referring to ourselves by a “name” for a little while.

The universe is within us, just as we are within it. But what lies beyond the universe, the be-all end-all, the origin, the creator, or as we more commonly like to call God? Well Buddhists like to call it Nirvana, the nothing and everything co-existing together in the only moment that exists- Right now, the present. God is not some idealistic, angelic human being. How egotistical of us to think that? God is everything and nothing, known and unknown, and the most humbling piece of advice I can offer you, is that maybe we’re not meant to understand- and that’s perfectly okay, because after all, we’re just a small little ant in the grander picture of all there is. Find love, trust love, follow love and let peace be thy way. .

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