Scientists Discover One Of The Greatest Contributing Factors To Happiness
We all want joy in our lives right? It sure beats feeling down doesn’t it? A scientific study looking thankfulness and gratitude revealed that both are a key factor to happiness and they are very often forgotten about when considering the feeling of joy. In fact, people who share gratitude on a regular basis experience a greater amount of happiness in their lives. Perhaps it is because we tap into our own internal love when we share gratitude and in turn that affects our overall state -or maybe it is the union that is created when you express gratitude to someone. Either way, it is clear that gratitude is key to experiencing joy in your life. Having a down day? Thank someone for something and see how it makes you feel -it can’t hurt to try. Check out the powerful video below for some examples. Gratitude is the “forgotten factor” in happiness research. We are engaged in a long-term research project designed to create and disseminate a large body of novel scientific data on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and its potential consequences for human health and well-being. Scientists are latecomers to the concept of gratitude. Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as an indispensable manifestation of virtue, and an integral component of health, wholeness, and well-being. Through conducting highly focused, cutting-edge studies on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and its consequences, we hope to shed important scientific light on this important concept. This document is intended to provide a brief, introductory overview of the major findings to date of the research project. For further information, please contact either of the project investigators. –Robert A. Emmons, University of California Source: .
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