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Seven Ways To Tell If Your Oregano Oil is Truly Wild High Mountain Grown & Safe

Many oils for sale might not actually be a authentic, or some of them might not have a lot of the marketed oil in it, and just a tiny bit.

Seven Ways To Tell If Your Oregano Oil is Truly Wild High Mountain Grown & Safe
Wild oregano, especially its extracted oil, is the world’s most versatile natural medicine.

There are hundreds of uses for this herbal medicine. Yet, the secret is to make sure it is of the highest quality, produced by the undisputed leader. It should be unsurpassed in both potency and also the sustainability of how it is made. Once extracted, the oil naturally contains some 30 ingredients, including the main active ingredient being the phenolic compound, carvacrol. This substance is a potent germicide and anti-inflammatory agent. It works synergistically with the other 29 or so ingredients also to boost immunity and as a natural, potent antihistamine. Unfortunately, today, on the market since the truly wild oil was introduced there are dozens of imitations. This include supplements claiming to be wild but really aren’t. Incredibly, a number of them are derived from cloned species, fully farm-raised.

The purpose is to manipulate the carvacrol levels for marketing purposes. Be sure not to take these artificial kinds internally. However, truly wild oregano can be consumed internally, with people taking by the millions for decades.

There is a greater issue to consider. Hard as it is to believe this to be sure it hasn’t been adulterated with cheap synthetic additives. Lab tests at Georgetown University determined that such synthetics possess toxicity.

The main synthetics which are added are caravacrol and p-cymene. Let us look at how serious this is through earlier research from Essential Oils of the Plant Family Labiatae: Under adulteration the following is found: Adulterated origanum oils have frequently been encountered in the trade. In fact, this practice has done such harm to origanm oil that in later years the demand for it has diminished considerably. It is easy to adulterate origanum oil by adding low-riced synthetic carvacrol and p-cymene.

The author examined samples of so-called origanum oils consisting entirely of synthetic carvacrol by a slight “by=note” of creosote, which becomes more noticeable as the oil evaporates on test paper. Also, make sure it is truly from the high mountains of the Mediterranean. For instance, false oregano oil is on the market from the thymus species, Thymus capitiatus from Spain and Bulgaria and also the Mexican plant, Lippia graveleons.

The oils from neither of these plants should be taken internally and must never be given to those of small body weight, like children or pets. Just be sure. One reason is that they may be too high in two chemicals, p-cymene and thymol. While naturally occurring minor background levels are acceptable, unnatural high levels must be avoided. It is not said “Do not accept cheap imitations” for no reason. Here are the key elements to be sure that the oregano oil you choose is of the highest potency and standards: These are your assurances that the oregano oil you choose is not only the highest in potency but also unsurpassed for all the various uses which make the oil so sought after, including internal and topical. For more information see Dr. Cass Ingram’s Doctor’s Guide to Oil of Oregano: 101 Uses. There is a story that is not being told about our environment, and it's leading to proposing solutions that will likely cause even further damage to our environment. Regenerate, a CETV original, reveals this hidden story, and encourages humanity to reconnect with nature. This is the story that must emerge. Watch The T.

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