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Shia LaBeouf Delivers One Of The Most Intense Motivational Speeches Of All Time

Is it the most intense motivational speech of all time? Well, it’s definitely one of them, and it’s great when celebrities do things like this.

Shia LaBeouf Delivers One Of The Most Intense Motivational Speeches Of All Time

As most of you know, celebrities can have a tremendous amount of reach with their voice alone, and it seems that every time they do something positive, or attempt to expose any type of corruption or wrongdoing in the world, they get slammed by the mainstream media, who often do their best to try and paint them in a negative light. We’ve seen this type of thing happen with Russell Brand, who we have greatly supported, as you can see here, or Rosaenne Barr, as well as many others. Alternative media is here to support the growing number of celebrities who are choosing to use their fame and reach to positively impact the planet in some way. Here is the full 30 minute speech In a world where we are forced to go to school, encouraged to get any old job, raise a family, get married, and so on and so forth – if somebody steps out of that “robotic” lifestyle and attempts to do something different, they are often greeted with harsh resistance from family, friends, and others in their life. Straying from the “norm” can put a confusing look on many people’s faces, and with all that resistance to making different choices, along with encouragement to look the other way and live a “normal life,” it takes real courage to follow your heart in today’s world. One great point brought up by Shia is this: “Don’t let your dreams be dreams, yesterday, you said tomorrow, so just do it.” When it comes to following your heart, you have to take steps forward and let go of the fear. I know, because I have done it. I went to school, and worked a regular job, but during that time I was still taking the steps necessary to do what I love and follow my passions. I was very engaged in them, so much so that I was told by many people not to let them “distract me from life, and what is important.” Meanwhile, on my mind was the fact that what my heart yearns for, as well as what I am passionate about, is indeed the most important, not the other way around.

There is always a step you can take, no matter how small you perceive it to be. Sure it can be risky, and scary, but that’s what life is about. You never know until you take that leap, leave your comfort zone, and let go of that “risk averse” type of thinking that discourages you from doing what you truly want to do. Remember, when it comes to following your dreams/passions, it’s easy to become wrapped up in the end result. But if you are truly passionate about something, it’s not about the end result, the joy lies within the journey itself. It’s a process, and you have to stay committed to it instead of giving up based on the fact that you may not be “reaping the rewards” right away. If your heart is genuinely into it, conditions won’t really matter. Finally, I’d like to mention that sometimes dreams/passions change, and that’s okay. Sometimes, individuals don’t even know what they are truly passionate about, and that is okay too, it’s not uncommon – especially given the way we are all brought up to be the same, and “designed” or “programmed” to do the exact same thing. Just remember, when something connects to your heart, or when you have a sudden innate desire to do something, just START. .

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