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Shocking Report Shows Hot Dogs Actually Contain Human DNA — And That’s Not All

Bacon, sausage, and other processed meats (like hot dogs) are now ranked alongside cigarettes and asbestos as known carcinogens.

Shocking Report Shows Hot Dogs Actually Contain Human DNA — And That’s Not All

This means that processed meats cause cancer, and that red meat is also a likely cause of cancer; this is according to a new report that was recently released by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. (source) It’s not the only bad news to surface lately for meat eaters. According to a recent report by Clear Food, some of the most popular brands of hot dogs actually contain human DNA.

They discovered that human DNA made up 2 percent of tested samples, and that’s not all. It also found that: According to the report, the biggest lesson to learn here is: Our biggest insight when analyzing the data was that there was no correlation between price and Clear Score. We were surprised to find that prepared vegetarian sausages face some pretty serious challenges including hygienic and substitution issues. Finding even trace amounts of meat in vegetarian products is troubling, especially because many vegetarians abstain from eating meat for dietary, ethical, and religious reasons. (source) As you can see, the human DNA (despite the low percentage) was not the only worrying discovery. Other questions remain to be asked regarding the human DNA, one of them being exactly how it was transferred into the hot dog. Below is a great (humorous but serious) video that dives into the reality of the false advertising industry, just as the report from Clear Food did. From what we know today, false advertising has a strong presence in the modern day food industry. .

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