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Sleepytime Herbs

Many of us experiencing trouble sleeping, whether it’s because of an issue in our diet, our stress level, or physical health in general.

Sleepytime Herbs

Keeping healthy habits generally leads to a better night’s rest, but sometimes it’s still hard to avoid a night of tossing and turning. This is when some of us turn to the Tylenol or Advil PM, but there’s many alternative to over-the-counter sleep medications, which can leave you feeling groggy well into the next day. We can turn to herbs to promote calm, rejuvenating sleep. This blog via The Hippy Homemaker expands upon lifestyle changes one can make for more fulfilling sleeps, as well as the various herbs that can calm the mind and body for when we need an extra, natural push.

There’s a lot to work with — here’s what they recommend: The Alchemist's Kitchen is dedicated to connecting you with the power of plants. We believe strongly in the education and instruction on the use of all whole plant formulations and herbal remedies.

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