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Snow, The Singularity, and Rocks in the River

(Recorded March 5th, 2025)   As the world continued its increasingly chaotic series of events this week – with disruptive events in everything from politics to artificial intelligence, a spring blizzard swept through the upper Midwest of

Snow, The Singularity, and Rocks in the River

(Recorded March 5th, 2025)

As the world continued its increasingly chaotic series of events this week – with disruptive events in everything from politics to artificial intelligence, a spring blizzard swept through the upper Midwest of the United States, reminding those who live here that mother nature continues to show up in all her unpredictability and beauty.

In this Frankly, Nate discusses the human predicament in the context of ecological overshoot, energy dynamics, and the impact of a potential ‘singularity’ in artificial intelligence. He delves into the essence of humanity, advocating for a deeper understanding of our needs beyond material goods. Nate emphasizes the need for a shift in perspective regarding energy use and the importance of community and human connection in navigating future challenges.

What is the ‘singularity’ in the context of AI, and how can understanding that shape our expectations for the future? Is it possible that the hope for an energy transition lies, not in humanity’s capacity for technological innovation, but in our rapid ability to culturally evolve? And towards that goal, how might individuals act as ‘rocks in the river’ in our small corners of the world, grounding those around us through the tumultuous events of the broader world?

Show Notes

PDF Transcript

00:09 – Tariffs

00:28 – Polar Vortex

00:31 – Biodiversity Loss

01:37 – Ecological Overshoot

01:53 – TGS Movie Animation

04:29 – The Singularity

04:51 – Ray Kurzweil, Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology”

05:27 – Transhuman

05:35 – Audrey Tang

06:38 – Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin

07:36 – Brian Eno

08:23 – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent

08:35 – The 5 Horsemen + Emergent Horsemen

08:50 – Artificial General Intelligence

12:13 – The Second Coming Poem

12:14 – William Butler Yeats

12:54 – Spiritus Mundi

Read the full article at the original website


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