Solar Eclipse In Leo: Evolving Our Authentic Self-Expression
We are having a partial Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 11th, 2018 which will be the third and final eclipse of this Summer.This is a supercharged New Moon which influences a longer-term period.

. It will be visible from Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Northeastern Quebec, Greenland, Iceland, and Northeastern Asia. Prior to this, we have had a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 12th/13th and a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th/28th happening in the same eclipse season. Solar Eclipses influence the following 6 months while Lunar Eclipses influence the following 1-3 months. However, they are part of a process that began in May 2017 when the Lunar Nodes entered the Leo-Aquarius axis which will last until this November. (Read more about the previous eclipses here).
The Eclipses and the Nodes in these signs are part of an evolutionary process in how we work with these energies. What results from this period will have longer-term effects even beyond this 18 month period.
The North Node has been in Leo, and this pushes us towards new directions in how we express Leo energies, while the South Node is in Aquarius which is more about what we need to let go of in how we express the areas represented by that sign. However, we can experience both beginnings and endings with both. Similarly to last summer, we have both a Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde occurring in the same sign of Leo. This really emphasizes the re-working and adjustments of how we apply its energy in our lives. It is about how we want to shine in the world, our creative energy, and how we self-express from the heart. Leo is associated with affection, children, courage, leadership, generosity, and playfulness. It is also about our vitality, passion, and being in alignment with what really lights us up and gets us excited. It is about how we seek praise and attention.
The best way to approach that is to be our authentic and heart centred version of ourselves; whether it be in our creations, how we perform, or how we express other Leo traits previously mentioned.
The negative expressions of Leo can be egotistical, authoritarian, dramatic, stubborn, jealous, and hot-tempered. It can demand respect without earning it and be too loud and boisterous without considering or caring about how others respond to that. However, the more we are working with Leo energy positively, we will attract a more positive and supporting response from those on the receiving end. This process is about really tuning in to how we shine and express ourselves at our best. It is also about considering how we want to be seen in the world, yet, without being overly occupied with ideas of how we can get the most attention and praise. It can be good to take actions towards how we want to stand out, but it’s important to balance that out with our true authentic higher expression of who we already are. On August 8th and 9th, Mercury retrograde made its exact conjunction with the Sun which is an important part of the retrograde process known as the ‘inferior conjunction’. Certain things that occurred during this period can help you have a realization in how you need to apply yourself over the coming months. Reflect on your thoughts, conversations, insights, circumstances, and any other messages or realizations you received from the Universe at that time. Perhaps there was something that triggered you or got your attention? Whatever it was, it is partly connected to whatever shifts that this eclipse is triggering in your life. Both the Eclipse and Mercury retrograde are in a square with Jupiter which ended its retrograde in Scorpio a month prior. Some of the Leo themes mentioned above, and what occurred on August 8th/9th, could somehow be connected to Jupiter ruled areas. This may have to do with an adjustment or developments connected to your beliefs, ideals, faith, and understandings. Perhaps it can be about having realizations of our blind spots or deeper truths.
There can be some sort of expansive energy around our self-expression or in the way we think. Maybe this can be connected to plans or developments around education, travel, marketing, teaching, and publishing. In some cases, it could have something to do with financial matters or sexuality. Whatever it is, it may be connected to something that was initiated in March, July, or sometime in between them. This energy can also scatter our minds and communications. Mercury is also in a quincunx with Neptune which triggers confusion, distractions, and miscommunications. Our thoughts and conversations might also be at odds with our ideals, dreams, fantasies, illusions, or an expression of escapism. Jupiter is making its final trine with Neptune in Pisces which began late November/December and was also strong in mid-late May. This can be great for any growth and expansiveness around spirituality, creativity, as well as selfless and compassionate pursuits. This can also be good for anything that involves visual arts, video, and photography. Some people could have mystical experiences and perhaps some learning can occur through our dreams or connections to spiritual realms. This can be a time of heightened sensitivity. Considering that Mercury is in the process of changing motion when this energy is strongest (from August 14th – 23rd), it’s likely that the potential manifestations of this period will play a role in any clarity that we receive in how we need to move to proceed as Mercury begins moving forward after August 19th. As discussed in previous articles, Mars has been retrograde since late June and will last until August 27th, just after the next Full Moon. Most of it has been occurring in Aquarius, however, less than 2 days after this eclipse it re-enters Capricorn. Over these coming weeks, there could also be adjustments and developments in how we apply ourselves within the Capricorn realm. It could be connected to our careers, responsibilities, goals, and overall ambitions. Perhaps revisiting how we can assert ourselves in a more orderly, practical, productive, conservative, masterful, structured, and disciplined way. Aquarius is about our social connections, while Capricorn is about resourcefulness, therefore this retrograde can be about how we utilize our social network and teamwork in pursuing our shared goals. Making Intentions And Things To Consider What is your heart calling on you to create? How can you express yourself as authentically as possible? What are you passionate about and how can you share that with the world? What has come up for you in the days leading up to this eclipse? What adjustments do you need to make in order to help you fulfill your heart’s desires? What can you do to bring more joy into your life? How can you be a better leader and/or lover? What are the practical considerations at this time to help you fulfill your passions? What adjustments need to be made with your social network to assist you in fulfilling your goals? These are just some examples of what to consider during this time. However, keep in mind that the energies of this eclipse will also be a part of the backdrop over the coming months. If you wish to make any intentions, it is generally best to do so within the first 24 hours following the New Moon. However, with this one specifically, it is most ideal to wait 18 hours after the exact moment of it when it occurs.
The exact time of this New Moon will be at 9:58am Universal Time on August 11th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone..
Read the full article at the original website