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Solar-powered EarthCruiser camper expands at the push of a button

Living on the road doesn’t have to mean spending exorbitant amounts of money on hotels and restaurants.

Solar-powered EarthCruiser camper expands at the push of a button

Van living has become increasingly popular in recent years, with people looking to quit their nine-to-five jobs and see more of the world — without going into debt. Minimalism lies at the heart of this movement, as people are putting material possessions by the wayside in order to see more, do more, feel more.

The innovations companies have come up with to ensure road warriors experience comfort as well as adventure are pretty astounding, and the EarthCruiser is no exception. Originally designed to provide people seeking an overland expedition comfort during their extended treks to nearly anywhere, the EarthCruiser makes it possible for two people to live simply yet still have the amenities required to call their portable wonder home. Of the design, the company said: After extensive research and development EarthCruiser design was born.

The initial successful testing of the prototype EarthCruiser included crossing 700 kilometers of sand dunes leading to the remote Dragon Tree Soak in the Great Sandy Desert in Western Australia.

The prototype was then taken overseas for more testing and an arduous yet exciting 27,000 kilometers trip across Russia and Mongolia which included two crossings of the notorious ‘Road of Bones,” a swampy tundra track from Yakutsk to Magadan made famous by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman in the “Long Way Round.” Created with the off-road vehicle adventurer in mind, but with the comforts for any drifter and drover, the EarthCruiser has been referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of campers.” Complete with a solar power array and a variety of features for an enjoyable experience on the road, its most notable design feature is its ability to expand at the push of a button, offering more space and light. Based out of Bend, Oregon, and exporting to the world, EarthCruiser’s EXP can serve as a weekend getaway cabin or a permanent off-grid home. At just 257 inches wide, one might not immediately assume such a small space would serve for an extended stay, but it’s the expandable roof that truly makes all the difference. Measuring upwards a full 24 inches, it gives the interior a huge boost of extra room to make you feel like you’re staying in a spacious mini residence.

The imposing truck 4X4 chassis makes for a strong and sturdy overall vehicle that, according to the company, is nearly unbreakable. Easily parked, and capable of fitting into a standard shipping container to make its way around the world, it’s a versatile design, both compact and comfortable, and entirely efficient! The vehicle is made of a lightweight fiberglass-composite that offers ultra insulating properties.

The 24-inch expandable rooftop is surrounded by windows that flood the interior with natural light, making the space seem much larger and less claustrophobic than a typical camper. And located on the roof, the two-panel solar array gives the vehicle plenty of energy for your desired electronics. Even more impressive, the solar-powered battery can support 10 days’ worth of use. When it drops below 50%, an alarm will sound, so you’ll never be suddenly stuck waiting for a full charge to go about your day. .

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