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Spying On People In Their Home Is Justified As ‘Good For The Economy’

On Sunday, Forbes Magazine published an article entitled, Smart Meters: Between Economic Benefits And Privacy Concerns.

Spying On People In Their Home Is Justified As ‘Good For The Economy’

This is an example of a new type of propaganda we’re increasingly seeing, which could be called a “limited hangout” (ie. partial truth-disclosing) industry puff-piece.

The column admits to concerns regarding the eradication of your in-home privacy, but ignores basic facts (such as, economic benefits to whom exactly?), and comes wrapped in a mind-numbing tone attempting to leave the reader with the false idea that there is nothing they can do.

The use of this tactic isn’t surprising, with the magazine’s status as voice for mainstream corporate business.

Their inherent conflicts of interest make it unlikely that it would present anything other than the perspective that corporates deserve more money and more control. As our film Take Back Your Power was specifically mentioned in the industry piece, at the bottom of this post is my response. As many CE readers know, because our utility service contracts have been altered — without our knowledge nor approval — to one that harms our rights, we can remove our consent to a “smart” or “advanced” meter deployment in our home. Utilities take advantage of loopholes purposefully written into civil codes (see Sec 1624(3)(B)), which are designed to legally bind you to a contract (or a change of terms) if you are given notice and say nothing. “A voluntary acceptance of the benefit of a transaction is equivalent to a consent to all the obligations arising from it, so far as the facts are known, or ought to be known, to the person accepting.” -California Civil Code, Sec 1589 Interestingly, the “limited hangout” disclosure-propaganda such as the Forbes article uses virtually the same practice as utilities themselves: give people notice of what’s being done, and achieve an “implied consent” legal agreement by means of non-action. Templates such as this NY lawyer’s Notice of Non-Consent and Demand, with Affidavit of Negative Averment, and others, are being used by tens of thousands to demand one’s rights and assert the financial and criminal liability of the those who are perpetrating the harm. As numbers continue to increase toward critical mass — great numbers of us who are awakening, moving through fear, and redefining our relationship to authority — I believe the use of this type of administrative process has the capability to completely halt this and all corrupt corporate agendas. Let us be mindful that the tone of resignation, apathy and fear of reprisal is always at the crux of the deliberate disinformation agenda.

The establishment of greed and control is scared to death of the rising tide of human beings who are waking up, demanding their unalienable rights (which only exist if they are asserted), and holding white-collar criminals liable. Those who sow seeds of fear and harm will reap their own fearful destruction. In order for this to happen and life itself to be preserved, those causing the harm need our conscious participation and willingness to serve as “mirror,” as we wakefully defend our basic rights and co-create a positive transformation around the world. * * * .

Read the full article at the original website


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