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Start Your Health Revolution With These 5 Recipe Blogs

Going Vegan or Vegetarian can be a bit daunting to some, and in my opinion, is not necessary.

Start Your Health Revolution With These 5 Recipe Blogs

What is necessary, however, is being conscious of where your food comes from and how much effort and resources it took to get to your table. A plant based diet is important for a healthy body as consuming meat is one of the leading causes of heart disease today. Aside from our health, our planet is screaming out for help, animal consumption is the #1 cause of climate change. If health and the planet aren’t in your top priorities then maybe take a look into the 50 billion animals that are slaughtered for consumption and material goods each year. As I stated above, it’s not that you need to cut animal products out of your life, if you enjoy them and would like to have them as part of your diet just be mindful of the impact it has on you, the planet and the animals. Reduce your animal product intake to a couple of times a week rather than basing every meal around it. To help you transition into a plant based diet, here are some great websites and blogs with stand out recipes for you to give a go! All the best in your adventures! This one is by far the top of my list.

The only challenging part about this blog, is choosing what to make because it all looks (and is) amazing! Whether you’re looking for a vegetarian option to reduce your meat intake, you’re a hardcore vegan or you like to make conscious choices when it comes to indulging in treats, this site has it all! Angela, an award-winning recipe blogger, features over 500 healthy recipes! Her goal is to inspire others to embrace more plant based foods in their diet without feeling deprived.

The recipes are great for meat-eaters, picky kids and most recipes are gluten-free and many even allergy-friendly. My favourite recipes are: The Big Vegan Bowl, Vegan Chili, Kale Chips of course, Double Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Tarts! While not everything on this website is vegetarian or vegan for that matter, there are many delicious and healthy alternatives to traditional recipes. Keep in mind, healthy alternatives are great, but it’s important to buy organic foods whenever possible.

There are many toxic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) within conventional, non-organic foods. My favorite recipes are: Korean Fried Cauliflower, Chickpea Coconut Cashew Curry Roasted Squash with Carrot Soup. I love this one a lot because being a strict vegetarian myself, I hear on a daily basis “where do you get your protein from?” To that I say, from nuts, seeds, vegetables, tempeh, beans and organic-sprouted grains.

There are plenty of protein rich, vegan and vegetarian meals that pack a punch when it comes to flavor. Even my meat loving friends love these recipes! My favorites from this blog are: Tofu Curry, Lentil Tacos Tempeh Stir Fry! The PPK was created by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, in her cramped Brooklyn kitchen back in 2003.

The idea was simple: a fun cooking show to give vegans something to watch. She started her website to support her vegan cooking show and foster a vegan cooking and baking community, where people can submit recipes and share ideas. My favorites from this website are: Chana Masala, Roasted Red Pepper Mac N’ Cheese Breakfast Nachos! Since October 2007, this blog has been the place to share the edible inspirations from playtime in the kitchen, and deep love for whole foods.

The recipes and ideas you’ll find here revolve around a plant based way of eating.

The blogger wanted to share the incredible knowledge received through her education in Holistic Nutrition. She wanted to set up a non-biased space for people to come and learn about how to take better care of themselves through diet and lifestyle. She was tired of being bombarded by self-interested media and half-truths about how to look after yourself, and knew she wasn’t alone. My favorites are by far: Butternut Squash Lasagna, Raw Vegan Eggnog Tempeh and Sundried Tomato Pesto Sandwich. ——– Ready to change the way you grow your own food? Check out The Greenhouse Of The Future full step-by-step builder’s guide. Includes an easy to follow DVD and Ebook to give you everything you need to take control of your food growth and help change the world. Enter PROMO CODE: cole72h to save $10! (Offer Expires December 9th) Check it out here! .

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