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Stew Peters Network presents ‘Watch the Water 2: Closing Chapter’

A year ago, Dr.

Stew Peters Network presents ‘Watch the Water 2: Closing Chapter’

Bryan Ardis unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden. From venom peptides to blood clots, Dr. Ardis and Stew Peters dived deep into how the covid-19 bioweapon was made.  In a newly released documentary – Watch the Water 2: Closing Chapter – Dr. Ardis returns to reinforce the research behind his claims made more than a year ago.

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In a Stew Peters Network exclusive – Watch the Water – released in April 2022, Director Stew Peters, award-winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke brought to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

An article published by Children’s Health Defense noted the criticism the documentary received at the time from those within the Truth and Freedom Movement. “While it’s true there is some overlap between the effects of poisonous peptides present in some snake venom and those of SARS-COV2 spike protein, claiming covid is ultimately derived from snake venom is a poorly substantiated hypothesis,” the article concludes.

We also did some of our own research shortly after Watch the Water was released – although in comparison to Dr. Ardis our research barely touches the surface.  We published what we found in the articles below:

A week ago, a sequel to Watch the Water was released.   Dr. Bryan Ardis returned in a closing chapter to Watch the Water, reinforcing the research behind the groundbreaking documentary released over a year ago.

You can watch Watch the Water 2: Closing Chapter below.  And for those who missed it, below that we have also embedded the original documentary.

The videos in this article are embedded from Rumble. For those who are unable to access Rumble, you can watch the documentaries on Bitchute Watch The Water 2: Closing Chapter HERE and Watch The Water HERE.

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