Study Reveals ‘Intentionally Treated Water’ Might Change The Growth Rate Of Plants
Three Buddhist monks focused their intention on commercially bottled water with the goal of improving the growth of seeds; bottled water from the same source served as an untreated control.

A significant effect was observed.
There is a wealth of statistically significant data in this field, this is just one of many examples within quantum physics and parapsychology that show how factors associated with conscious are related with our physical material world. Human intention experiments have been taking place for decades.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of peer-reviewed publications that have examined the mind-matter connection with some very interesting results.
These results lead to interpretations that are usually ignored in the mainstream, simply because they challenge the mind to entertain and accept completely new facts about the true nature of reality that would completely revolutionize our worldview in several different ways. I recently published an article about how quantum theory and parapsychology are showing us how mind/matter interaction is indeed real, and that the scientific study of human consciousness is an entirely different ball game; it is almost impossible to accurately measure the impact of consciousness if the ‘objective’ model and limiting parameters of modern-day “science” are still being used. In the lab, the effects of consciousness, although small, are measurable and significant. Phenomena that have come from real life human examples and classified government programs, like the STARGATE project, seem to be of even more significance and represent the next level of ‘evidence’ that shows just how legitimate non-material science is. It truly represents the next scientific revolution and has huge implications, from health to the generation of clean energy. As Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” One fairly recent example comes from a study conducted by scientists at National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Taiwan University, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
They reference a previous experiment which suggested that “consumption of intentionally treated tea influenced subjective mood under double-blind, controlled conditions.” They decided to investigate further, under double-blind, controlled conditions.
The study used Arabidopsis thaliana seeds (a commonly used wild type of seed that belongs to the Brassica family, which includes cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), and measured differences in hypocotyl length, anthocyanin, and chlorophyll between seeds hydrated with intentionally treated vs. untreated water.
The hypocotyl is the stem of a germinating seed, anthocyanin refers to specific cell biology properties of a plant, and chlorophyll deals with the biology of the green pigment found within plants.
The study was designed as follows: Three Buddhist monks focused their intention on commercially bottled water with the goal of improving the growth of seeds; bottled water from the same source served as an untreated control. Seeds with the following three variations of cryptochrome (CRY) were used: the wild type Arabidopsis (Columbia-4), a gain-of-function mutation (His-CRY2), and a loss-of function mutation (cry1/2), where “gain” and “loss” refer to enhanced and reduced sensitivity to blue light, respectively. Seeds were hydrated with treated or untreated water under blinded conditions, and then placed in random positions in an incubator.
The germination process was repeated three times in each experiment, each time using new seeds, and then the entire experiment was repeated four times. As the authors mention, intention experiments with water have already been conducted and have shown some intriguing results. Water infused with positive intention has shown differences in ice crystal formation (1)(2) infrared spectroscopy (3), and the enhanced germination and growth of lettuce, rye, barley, and several other plants as compared to untreated control water. If thoughts can have this effect on water, just imagine what they can do to us and the influence they may have on what we call physical reality. While there is a perception that changes that result from conscious intent are only seen at the quantum scale, it’s not true. We have real life human examples. A study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine demonstrated that a woman with special abilities was able to significantly accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock. You can read more about that and access the study here.
There are also declassified documents that show human beings with these abilities.
There are examples from every country, and it’s not just from modern day. Ancient lore from many cultures spoke of people with these same kind of ‘mystical powers.’ During a visit to remote monasteries in the 1980s, Harvard Professor of Medicine Herbert Benson and his team of researchers studied monks living in the Himalayan Mountains who could, by g Tum-mo (a yoga technique), raise the temperatures of their fingers and toes by as much as 17 degrees. It is still unknown how the monks are able to generate such heat. (source) (You can read more about this here).
Then there is the famous double slit experiment, a great study that has been used a number of times to examine the effect consciousness might have on our physical material world, which I recently wrote about here. In that article, I made it a point of emphasis that we have more evidentiary data for the measurable impact of consciousness than we have for certain concepts we consider as ‘fact.’ It only seems reasonable that non-material science be at the forefront of our scientific explorations. To do this, however, we need to recognize that this represents a significant disruption of old belief systems, and, perhaps even more significantly, that powerful corporate interests vested in the old model may be at the heart of why it’s not really promoted within academia as it should be.
The results of the Taiwan study showed a significant decrease in hypocotyl length, a significant increase in anthocyanin (treated mean 17.0 ± 0.31 mg, untreated mean, and a “modest” increase in chlorophyll. To see the actual numbers, and more details about the study, you can refer directly to the study. According to the authors: These outcomes conformed to the monks’ intentions because a decrease in hypocotyl length and increase in anthocyanin and chlorophyll are associated with enhanced photomorphogenic growth.
These experiemnts suggest that the His-CRY2 mutation of Arabidopsis may be an especially robust “detector” of intention. Proving our ability to generate positive energy to improve the growth of life-forms like plants through intention shows just how important human consciousness is. We are all constantly co-creating this physical human experience here, and we are just really starting to recognize that. Things are changing, our consciousness is changing, our emotions and perceptions about our experience are changing and when we start to look at things in a different light, we can have more of an intentional positive impact.
The most important takeaway here is for all of us to strive for inner peace, do the ‘inner work’ to achieve a higher state of being so we can create a more peaceful world. Our world is simply a reflection of our collective inner being.
Read the full article at the original website