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Summer Solstice 2018: The Spiritual Significance & How You Can Reflect In Your Life

Today, June 21st 2018 is the summer solstice.It is a time where we welcome the season of Summer and can begin reflecting on various things.

Summer Solstice 2018: The Spiritual Significance & How You Can Reflect In Your Life

. This is the ideal time to consider ways we can balance the masculine and feminine forces in our lives. Where could you use a little more gentle, receptive yin? Where could you yang it up and put in more action-oriented, decisive energy? The summer solstice is here! This is certainly a day worth celebrating and not just because it represents the longest day of the year for everyone living North of the equator, hello sun — but also because of the symbolic meaning behind it.

The summer solstice has been an important day throughout history and for good reason.

The summer solstice marks a time for the celebration of Mother Nature, fun and of course the sun.

The sun brings us warmth and light and I’m sure that is something that we can all appreciate. Stonehenge has been a popular spot throughout recorded time to celebrate this day because it was built to directly align with the solstices, but only during the summer solstice specifically does the rising sun reach the middle of the stones and shine on the central altar. Clearly, whoever or whatever built Stonehenge had this in mind, and it must have been of great significance in order to take on the process of constructing one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. According to BBC’s coverage of a solstice event several years ago, the event included an interview with those who appreciate solstice the most, “We believe it is very important for people to move with the cycles of nature, and actually feel them. If you get up early in the morning and you watch that special sunrise, you’ve been a part of it.

The rest of the year is shaped by that. And we think it’s a really healthy thing to do and a very spiritual thing to do.” Melanie Beckler, the author of Angel Messages, said the Summer Solstice is a time of “energetic opening” and “celestial potential” pouring out from the sun. She explained: “Symbolically the Summer Solstice represented enlightenment, awakening and the triumph of lightness over darkness. Aside from the celebration of the sun, it marks the first day of summer, and really, who doesn’t love summer? Many believe that the summer solstice is all about taking a chance to express gratitude for the gifts of harvest, bounty, and abundance. Pagans hold a religious ritual on the solstice to honor and acknowledge the turning of the wheel of the year and the new season that is upon us. While to some it may feel fairly insignificant, we are inhabitants on this earth and just as the earth does, we also go through changes. We are in tune, whether aware or not of what happens on the planet and it affects us, too. According to the astrotwins, The season of Cancer will last 30 days and is a good time to “balance masculine and feminine energies”. “This is the ideal time to consider ways we can balance the masculine and feminine forces in our lives. “Where could you use a little more gentle, receptive yin? Where could you yang it up and put in more action-oriented, decisive energy? “We all contain both energies within us, and in an age where gender is becoming more fluid and redefined than ever, the solstice is an awesome moment to widen our notions of what that means for us.” There are so many ways that you can integrate the powerful energy from the solstice into your life. Most importantly, take some time for you and reflect. This could mean setting aside one hour and journaling about some of the various topics seen above in this article. If you have some crystals, this can be a great time to put them out in the sun to charge and energize them. Have a solstice party, in whatever capacity this looks like for you. If you aren’t very into the “spiritual” or “fluffy” stuff, simply having a gathering with friends is a great way to welcome this transition. If you are more inclined to the ritualistic types of activities, you can gather with your friends have a fire maybe, go to the beach, share your intentions for the year. Even if your day is busy, don’t forget, this is the longest day of the year, take some time for some quiet reflection and some time in the sun. Reflect on the past season, let go of what is no longer serving you from the spring and call in whatever you’d like to manifest for the upcoming season.

The sun provides powerful energy for all inhabitants of the earth and our entire solar system, might as well utilize it during its peak day. Manifest that summer love, enjoy community, and welcome all of the new growth, evolution, and change. Oh, happy day. Much Love .

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