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Survey Reveals More Americans Want Clinton Indicted Than In The White House

The Clinton campaign has seen its share of controversy these days, thanks largely in part to released WikiLeaks documents.

Survey Reveals More Americans Want Clinton Indicted Than In The White House

And with the presidential election just weeks away, the looming concern over Hillary Clinton’s potential win continues to raise questions and spark discussion over her various scandals. Many wonder if she will ultimately land in jail as opposed to in the White House. And despite the FBI choosing not to prosecute Clinton, a recent poll took matters into its own hands to expose just how wrong their decision is. A survey of 1,000 likely voters, which took place on October 18 and 19 by Rasmussen Reports, asked if the participants agreed with the FBI’s decision not to file criminal charges against Clinton, regardless of the fact that she had been careless and may have exposed classified information to hostile countries.

The results, which were released on Friday, revealed that 65 percent of the voters surveyed agreed that Clinton broke the law by storing the classified emails on her private server and therefore should have been jailed. Another 39 percent, however, went to those who agreed with the FBI’s decision not to. When split between the Republican and Democratic voters, the survey revealed that 85 percent of Clinton supporters sided with the FBI’s decision. But 92 percent of Donald Trump supporters felt that Clinton should have been prosecuted. Trump has been very candid with the public about his opinions regarding Clinton’s scandal, of which she deleted 30,000 of her emails as opposed to giving them to the FBI. Trump even promised that Clinton “would be in jail.” “If I win,” he said at the presidential debate held on October 9, “I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation.” And when Clinton retorted with, “You know, it’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump butted in, “Because you would be in jail.” The survey also asked participants if the email scandal was an important part of their vote, to which 70 percent responded that it was, out of which 49 percent called it “very important.” And 27 percent revealed that the issue wasn’t important to them in the slightest.

The most recent data from Rasmussen Reports shows that Donald Trump is ahead by a 43 to 41 percent margin over his Democratic opponent. Rasmussen has been denounced for overstating the popularity of Republican candidates in the 2010 and 2012 mid-term and presidential elections.

The company was questioned for showing bias toward the GOP as well. And other polls show that Clinton is actually in the lead, such as a Reuters/Ipsos poll that took place from October 14 to 20, and showed she had 44 percent support, while Trump had 40.

The 2016 presidential campaign has been among the most controversial and talked about ones yet, as scandals from both candidates, from Clinton’s leaked emails to Trump’s sexual misconduct, continue to be highlighted in media headlines. And many believe we are wasting our time arguing about it at all, since they say the election is likely rigged. And if Clinton does win, then about 70 percent of Republican voters claim it will merely be the result of an election rigged by Democrats, as the results of the Reuters poll reveals. .

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