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Syria Podcast—Episode 3

Syria Podcast—Episode 3

We have tagged this article as as it imposes a serious spin on the topic.
If not more explanation provided, this article is included as propaganda because it shows clear manufacture from a government controlled dialectic, where a topic is misdirected by some actors in order to mislead people during early stages of a narrative.

In Episode 3 of the Syria Podcast, Mike Robinson speaks to Dr Piers Robinson about alleged chemical weapons use by the Assad government and Piers' subsequent support for the two OPCW investigators who continue to highlight irregularities in the OPCW report on alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma in 2015.

It is hugely important to understand these irregularities now, as the chemical weapons narrative comes back into the corporate media agenda, not only in Syria, but in Ukraine and here in the UK.

Read the full article at the original website


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