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Syrian Doctor In Douma Has Some Serious Doubts Over The Chemical Gas Attack

Remember when 9/11 happened? In that moment, a large portion of the country, and the world for that matter, actually believed that terrorists inside of planes took down the towers.

Syrian Doctor In Douma Has Some Serious Doubts Over The Chemical Gas Attack

This was the narrative which was constantly spewed out by mainstream media at the time. That was 2001, and the term ‘false flag’ was virtually unknown. Today, it’s a different story. Throughout the years, investigations continued and information kept emerging, we now know that the majority of the American population doesn’t believe the official story put out by the their government. Furthermore, there are now peer-reviewed studies which have been published inside of science and engineering journals, along with thousands of architects and engineers who have spoken out. Throw in the western military alliance and their connection to these supposed terrorist organizations who committed the attack, along with countless academicians, politicians, and military personnel testimony, and something doesn’t really seem to gel. 9/11 was used as a justification to infiltrate Iraq for ulterior motives. It’s the most popular example, an event that sparked a shift in perception, and an opportunity to finally see the corruption. In that sense, the poor souls who lost their lives that day have served a historical, humanitarian purpose. Never before have we seen so much transparency, and so much opportunity to see the truth. We are now seeing the same thing with Syria. Ex marine, Ken O Keefe, really hits the nail on the head in this interview, stating quite emotionally that anybody who can’t really see what’s going on by now must be “the dumbest of the dumb.” Even Americans from within the Department of Defense have been speaking up about it for years, like former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, General Wesley Clark. Clark said, in an interview with Democracy Now, that the U.S. had plans to invade countries in the Middle East, including Syria, for no justified reason at all. He offered the sentiments of some within the American military, which is that they have a “good military” and that they can “take down governments.” He spoke of a memo that described how the U.S. had “plans to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off, Iran.” (source). He stated how is superiors told him that, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.” They (America) had no justification or reason to do what they did. Not only do many Americans not believe the official explanation regarding 9/11, many aren’t really falling for what seems to be a massive propaganda campaign in Syria, with regards to last year, and this years most recent attack in Douma. When the last ‘attack’ happened, multiple academicians, politicians, and a big chunk of the global citizenry took the false flag perspective. Putin flat out said it was a “false flag” and that “more are being prepared in Syria.” He’s even voiced his concern about the “magical” and “mythical” threats they impose on other countries in order to justify some sort of infiltration. If you think this is Russian propaganda, keep reading, because I address that later on in the article.

The false flag narrative is really hitting the mainstream hard, which is interesting to say the least, because, as mentioned above, a decade ago this term was virtually unknown. It really goes to show just how much the world has woken up in such a short period of time.

The fact that it’s even entered into the conversation is a big plus. False flag means that the entire event was staged with crisis actors, or it can mean actual events taking place that are simply done by one group, but blamed on another, like 9/11. All for the purpose of invasion, division, and installing a government that would best suit the needs of America and its allies.

There is an interesting document from the CIA showing that these plans have been in the works for a while, we will get to that later in the article as well. Was the chemical gas attack in Syria a false flag like Putin and Assad are claiming? These attacks are always filled with tremendous amounts of controversy. Right now, the Organisation For The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is in there trying to investigate, while western media continues to push the idea that an attack did happen, and it was done so by Assad on his own people, which doesn’t really make much sense.

There is no evidence to support that conclusion, other than intel from western intelligence agencies who are making the claim. Where is the evidence? Why are Assad and a large majority of Syrian people saying that this is a false flag? What is going on here, and why is it always so hard to receive any sort of truth from mainstream media? Why have we seen so many examples of this type of activity from the western military alliance before? Why are we convinced that these people are genocidal dictators, yet are loved by so many? If someone like Assad is a dictator, what is George Bush? What is Barack Obama? What is the Deep State? A document from the CIA provides some insight as to why we are dished out so much misinformation, as it states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has “contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” Furthermore, it explains how the agency has “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods.” This is why mainstream media and their broadcasts about geopolitical events is very questionable. Although it is a document outlining their desire to become more open and transparent, the deception outlined by various whistleblowers (example) requires us to read between the lines and recognize that the relationships shared between intelligence agencies and our sources of information are not always warranted and pose inherent conflicts of interest. How can we really trust anything mainstream media says when it comes to geopolitics with the (brief) information provided above? An interesting report by Robert Fisk (pictured above), a multi-award winning Middle East correspondent of The Independent, and a journalist who has risked his life to visit the Syria clinic at the centre of a global crisis. Fisk joined The Independent in 1989 and has written best-selling books on the Middle East, including Pity the Nation and The Great War for Civilisation. Fisk gained his BA in English and Classics at Lancaster University and holds a PhD in politics from Trinity College, Dublin. He met with Dr. Assim Rahaibani, and shared his experience with the doctor, “The 58-year old senior Syrian doctor then adds something profoundly uncomfortable: the patients, he says, were overcome not by gas but by oxygen starvation in the rubbish-filled tunnels and basements in which they lived, on a night of wind and heavy shelling that stirred up a dust storm.” It’s important to get the real narrative of the people on the ground in Syria, but it’s also important to mention that he is sharing his experience not as an eye witness himself. “He refers twice to the jihadi gunmen of Jaish el-Islam (the Army of Islam) in Douma as “terrorists” – the regime’s word for their enemies, and a term used by many people across Syria. Am I hearing this right? Which version of events are we to believe?” He goes on to explain, “Readers should be aware that this is not the only story in Douma.

There are the many people I talked to amid the ruins of the town who said they had “never believed in” gas stories – which were usually put about, they claimed, by the armed Islamist groups.

These particular jihadis survived under a blizzard of shellfire by living in other’s people’s homes and in vast, wide tunnels with underground roads carved through the living rock by prisoners with pick-axes on three levels beneath the town. I walked through three of them yesterday, vast corridors of living rock which still contained Russian – yes, Russian – rockets and burned-out cars.” They would be Russian, and not American, and that’s because these “Islamist groups” don’t actually represent Islam at all. “The global war on terrorism is a US undertaking, which is fake, it’s based on fake premises. It tells us that somehow America and the Western world are going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported and financed by the Western military alliance.” – Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, University of Ottawa’s Emeritus Professor of Economics, spoken at the International Conference on the New World Order, organized and sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation. Again, there are many questioning this attack, from former British and American commanders to academia, and more. It’s actually quite overwhelming. Eva Bartlett, a Canadian journalist and human rights activist, divulged that “their video footage actually contains children that have been ‘recycled’ in different reports; so you can find a girl named Aya who turns up in a report in say, August, and she turns up in the next month in two different locations.Bartlett was a speaker at a United Nations panel on the current events in Syria. She delivers an incredibly insightful speech on what’s actually going on in Syria and how the White Helmets aren’t the heroes everyone thinks they are, but rather a strategic terrorist group that’s funded by the U.S.You can read more about the White Helmets in an article we published about them, here. And Gabbard herself was quoted as saying that the “CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. This support has allowed al-Qaeda and their fellow terrorist organizations to establish strongholds throughout Syria, including in Aleppo.” So again, this is nothing new, and it’s far from fake news or propaganda. We know this because western media continues to ridicule this assertion.

The Deep State has a long history of labelling foreigners as dictators, sponsoring terrorist activities in those countries and influencing a regime change to suit their own best interests. A document titled “Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change,” written in July of 1986 by the Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, part of the CIA’s Mission Center for Global Issues, states that its mission to analyze “a number of possible scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Assad or other dramatic change in Syria.” Though the document is 25 years old, it shows that the U.S. plans to influence and infiltrate Syria to create change that would suit their own interests which dates back well over 30 years. Another important point to make, for anybody who is calling the “false flag” narrative Russian propaganda, is to remember that this narrative has been expressed within geopolitics well before Russia brought it up. And it’s not just Russia, I recently published an article that provides a few examples: MIT Professor Emeritus Claims Latest Chemical Attack In Syria Was Not Assad’s Doing What’s also interesting to note about this whole chemical weapons debacle is that after the first one last year, CNN, like this time, accused Bashar Al Assad of killing his own people, but they also acknowledged that the “rebels” “are not in possession of chemical weapons, but that these “moderate terrorists” affiliated with AL Nusra are trained in the use of chemical weapons by specialists on contract to the Pentagon.” Anything that might help the U.S. government overthrow Syria, always seems to move forward.

The terrorist organizations in Syria have been, again, in “cahoots” with terrorist organizations for a long time. ` In an earlier report dated December 9, 2012, CNN confirms that: “The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials. “In a twisted logic, the Pentagon’s mandate was to ensure that the rebels aligned with Al Qaeda would not acquire or use WMD, by actually training them in the use of chemical weapons (sounds contradictory.” – Dr. Michel Chossudovsky (source) So, we have U.S. government connections to the same terrorist groups they claim to be going after, as well as connections to funding groups in Syria that exist to over-throw the Assad regime. Edward Snowden has also been tweeting about these connections.

The point is, the narrative from western media drastically opposes the views of many within the United States. Pink Floyd’s, Roger Waters, was the latest to show this and actually stopped his live concert to explain the “false flag chemical attack in Syria.” This came shortly before another individual was going on stage to praise the White Helmets, which Roger, rightfully so, did not let happen. You can read more about that here. “The global war on terrorism is a US undertaking, which is fake, it’s based on fake premises. It tells us that somehow America and the Western world are going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported and financed by the Western military alliance and America’s allies in the Persian Gulf.” – Dr. Michel Chossudovsky Anybody who thinks this type of stance is Russian propaganda, you must know that these types of events have been taking place long before these supposed gas attacks. For example, the CIA had secret efforts to topple Syria’s democratically elected Ba’athist government.

The CIA plotted with Britain’s MI6 to form a “Free Syria Committee” and armed the Muslim Brotherhood to assassinate three Syrian government officials, who had helped expose “the American plot.” (Matthew Jones in The ‘Preferred Plan’: The Anglo-American Working Group Report on Covert Action in Syria, 1957).

The CIA’s mischief pushed Syria further away from the U.S. and into prolonged alliances with Russia and Egypt. After a second coup attempt, which is what we are seeing now with the Assad regime, anti-American riots hit the Mid-East from Lebanon to Algeria. Among the reverberations was the July 14, 1958 coup, led by the new wave of anti-American Army officers who overthrew Iraq’s pro-American monarch, Nuri al-Said.

The coup leaders published secret government documents, exposing Nuri al-Said as a highly paid CIA puppet. In response to American treachery, the new Iraqi government invited Soviet diplomats and economic advisers to Iraq and turned its back on the West. “In July 1956, less than two months after the CIA’s failed Syrian Coup, my uncle, Senator John F. Kennedy, infuriated the Eisenhower White House, the leaders of both political parties and our European allies with a milestone speech endorsing the right of self-governance in the Arab world and an end to America’s imperialist meddling in Arab countries. Throughout my lifetime, and particularly during my frequent travels to the Mid-East, countless Arabs have fondly recalled that speech to me as the clearest statement of the idealism they expected from the U.S.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. So, the point is, it’s not simply a Russian narrative, our geopolitical world has been build off of false flag attacks, and it’s been happening for a long time. .

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