John Oliver Mocks Zuckerberg’s Vow To ‘Get Facebook Back To What It Was Built For’ Facebook is trying to convince us that it has learned from its mistakes and wants to 'return' to being simply an application that serves to unite 'friends'.
The Quartz Crystal – From A Shamanic Point of View Quartz crystals, among others, have been used by a number of ancient cultures around the world for multiple purposes.In many cases, they've been used by Shamans for healing and spiritual purposes.
What We Can Learn From Advanced ET Civilizations (Part 2: Work Is Bliss) The concept of 'work' essentially does not exist in advanced ET civilizations, as their societies are organized in a way that each individual does the 'work' of their choosing, which leads to the greatest self-fulfillment. How can a society organize itself in a way that everyone is doing what inspires
Understanding The Law Of Attraction: “You Don’t Attract What You Want, You Attract What You Are.” The "Law of Attraction" is a popular idea that centers around manifesting what you want.Its popularity has grown as more people wish to take deeper action on their lives.
10 Surprising Places ADHD & Cancer Causing Food Dyes Hide There are more and more initiatives by companies like Mars, General Mills, Kraft and Panera Bread to remove food dyes from their products because they are listening to their consumers who are voting with their dollar. Diligent consumers and concerned parents are starting to recognize how harmful these food dyes
5 Nonsensical Ways We Complicate Our Lives (& How To Stop) For most of us, our lives are inherently complicated enough.
10 Breakthrough Lessons I Learned Trying To Heal My Kids From Autism, Anxiety & ADHD By practice, I’m a psychotherapist who has been working for over a decade in the world of mainstream medicine, a body of experience that has allowed me to develop a strong understanding of both its strengths and weaknesses. But beyond my work, I’m also a mom who fiercely
10 Ways To Boost Serotonin Levels Without Medication Millions are diagnosed with depression every year, and people can begin feeling better without medication by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
Natural Law (Part 1): A Reformed Satanist Illuminates Our Natural Power To Create As human beings, we have the capacity to create our world the way we would like it to be, through the power of our minds.
Overpopulation: Fact Or Myth? Before starting this article, I wish to specify that it is not because I choose to question the concept of overpopulation that I also question the need to end poverty, overconsumption and environmental destruction. Overpopulation may be debatable, but poverty and unsustainable practices are a reality and my life is
Conscious Media: A New Form Of News & Media That Will Revolutionize Our World Conscious media is a new form of news and media that will revolutionize the way people understand current affairs and their place within it.
Mercury Retrograde In Leo: Reorientation Of Self-Expression & Aspirations Mercury retrograde is known for the problematic effects it often has on communication technology, transactions, motor vehicles, anything with moving parts, and commuting in general.
Disney Director Fired: Are They Worried About Being Scrutinized For Complicity With Pedophilia? Walt Disney Studios fired James Gunn from his job as director of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3,” on the basis of some of Gunn's tweets from 2008-2011.
The Mistrust Of Mainstream Media Reaches Its Breaking Point Recent polls suggest that now a significant majority of people believe that 'traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading.' What must be going on in the minds of many who work in mainstream media, if they have come to realize that
Was Stanley Kubrick Telling Us Something With His 1999 Film ‘Eyes Wide Shut’? Eyes Wide Shut was a controversial film that was screened just days before Stanley Kubrick's untimely death..