Why Are The White Helmets Being Evacuated From Syria? The Western military alliance seems to be evacuating the White Helmets from Syria..
Stanislav Grof On The Healing Potential Of Non-Ordinary States Of Consciousness Many believe that Non-Ordinary states of consciousness have the capacity to heal those who are suffering..
5 Brutally Honest Truths About Anxiety You Need To Accept Before You Can Overcome It Anxiety impacts an estimated 10% of teenagers and 40% of adults in the United States.
The Flying Humanoid Phenomena Of Mexico There have been multiple reports over the years of bizarre activity in the skies of Mexico.People have claimed to be seeing flying humanoids in the sky.
Elon Musk And Over 2400 AI Scientists Sign Pledge Against Killer Robots More than 2,400 AI scientists and researchers have signed a pledge which intends to deter military firms and nations from building lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS).
The Biggest Misconception About The ‘Ketogenic Diet’…You Don’t Actually Have To Follow It There is a lot of information going around about the Ketogenic diet.
There Is More Than One Type Of Intelligence The current model of schooling puts emphasis on one particular type of education, which only covers a small percentage of the population of children.
Will Cryptocurrencies Disrupt Central Banking? US Congress Meets To Discuss Witnesses are testifying at a House Financiancial Services subcommittee on whether the government should consider cryptocurrencies as money and their uses.
4 Proven Ways (That Aren’t Meditation) To Help Conquer All Forms Of Anxiety According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting approximately 40 million Americans over the age of 18.
8 Incredible Reasons Witch Hazel Should Be Added To Your Medicine Cabinet There are many harmful chemicals lurking in most personal care products..
5 Things To Help Overcome Panic & Anxiety I’m going to be flat out honest with you all.Over the past two years of my life I have struggled with panic and anxiety, most commonly in the form of panic attacks.
Canada’s Premiers Sour On Carbon Tax: Positive Signs? Justin Trudeau's Carbon Tax legislation seemed to be on track just a year ago, when 9 of 10 provinces had signed on to it.
What We Can Learn From Advanced ET Civilizations (Part 1: Sexual Freedom) One of the main ways that our societies differs from those of advanced ET civilizations is that we don't currently live and organize ourselves as though we are all one, whereas their entire societal structure is based on this. If we organized our societies with the clear understanding that we
Egypt To Open A Giant Black Mystery Sarcophagus Despite Warnings Not long ago, Egyptian Archaeologists discovered a huge 2,000-year-old sealed coffin, and as you’d imagine, they want to open it to see who or what is inside..
Long Time NSA Intelligence Official Shares His Thoughts About Supposed “Russian Hacking” A longtime NSA official William Binney shares why the Russian hacking story is full of flaws and lies, and why the NSA is really 'spying' on people.