The Difference Between Healthy Love & Unhealthy Love There are different ways we can view love.Conditional and unconditional for example.We can also view love as actions, expectations, and so forth.
When Life Feels Like Too Much Sometimes in life, we can become overwhelmed with all that is taking place.
Brazil’s Proactive Plan To Fight Poverty By Preventing It Through Neuroscience & Parents Love The first 1000 days of a child's life are the most important for the proper development of their brain.
U.S. Hesitates To Approve Resolution To Promote Breastfeeding In Order To Protect Corporate Interests At a World Health Organization meeting, The U.S.Delegation was the sole objector to a resolution to encourage breast-feeding, in favor of corporate interests.
The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief Did you know that we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true? The placebo effect is defined as the measurable, observable, or felt an improvement in health or behaviour not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. It suggests that one
What If Everything We Know About Depression Was Wrong? [Video] There is a lot more to depression than currently meets the eye.If it is a chemical imbalance in the brain, then there is still something that is causing it.
Shocking Results: Woman Replaces 40 Medications With Raw Cannabis Juice Many people are now discovering the tremendous medicinal benefits that cannabis has to offer.
Is Your DNA Safe? You Might Be Unpleasantly Surprised By The Answer After many healthcare activities like genetic testing or biopsies, your personal results are shared with or sold to third party companies.
One Of The Most Life-Altering Realizations A Human Can Ever Have NASA's Voyageur satellite once produced an image of Earth from an extreme distance.
Nearly 1/3 Of Early Deaths Could Be Prevented By Giving Up Meat, Says Harvard More and more evidence is emerging that highlights the tremendous benefits of adopting a plant-based diet.This lifestyle can have a drastic impact on our environment, animal welfare and our health.
How CBD Oil Helped My Arthritis & Celiac Based Digestive Challenges CBD oil.What is it? Why do we keep hearing about it? I’m going to share my personal experience with CBD oil as Holistic Nutritionist of the Year for Canada, and why it took the lead for me.
The Anatomy Of God: The Source “The search for the ‘one’, for the ultimate source of all understanding, has doubtless played a similar role in the origin of both religion and science.” – Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), Nobel Prize winner for physics As a teenager, I first began engaging intellectually with the world with the philosophy sections of
Heart Based Consciousness: Using The Heart As An Organ Of Perception In modern day society, especially in the Western world, if you were to ask someone to point to the place in their body where their consciousness is located and their decisions are made, they would most likely point to their head. Our indigenous ancestors, however, would respond to the same
Stanford Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable During a study, a man named Ingo Swan remote viewed the ring of Saturn prior to scientists knowing it existed..
How To Meditate In 30 Minutes: A Super-Straightforward Tutorial By now I’m sure most of you have heard of the amazing benefits that can be obtained through the daily practice of meditation, these benefits can include: reduced stress, mental clarity, insight, increased sense of intuition, reduced anxiety levels, calmness, peace and so on. In fact many of the