Chilling “Before And After” Photos Of Libya Go Viral A man takes pictures of Libya before and after post Hillary Clinton-NATO “liberation” of Libya..
Important Details To Consider As North Korea Commits To Denuclearization Historic meetings between Trump & Kim Jong Un move towards peace talks between the two nations.What's really going on here is about disrupting the old elite regime.
Study Finds Having Your Tonsils Removed May Increase Your Risk Of Developing 28 Types Of Disease The study accessed health records from 1.2 million Danish children between 1979 and 1999, 60,400 of which had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy or a combined surgery and found they're at greater risk for multiple diseases. The fact that what we accept as truth, medically speaking, isn't always correct. Did
Would You Go Vegan To Save The World? New Study Suggests It’s The Best Option Congratulations! If you made it here to read this article it likely means you are a vegan, vegetarian, follow a plant-based diet or are at least legitimately interested in what you can do to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. Thank you! Veganism has been on the rise over
Why Is Everyone Getting Offended All The Time? This Explains It We get offended because we're hopelessly trapped in our ego's, beliefs and identities.We are being trained to be this way, but also have a huge learning opportunity through this current reality.
New Moon In Gemini: New Perceptions & Ideas We are having a New Moon in Gemini on June 13th, 2018 at 7:43 pm Universal Time.This is initiating a 29.5 Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month.
How To Remove Uric Acid Crystals From Your Joints (Gout & Joint Pain) A quick look at the average western diet presents an obvious truth when it comes to the state of wellness in the west; for the most part, we are eating ourselves sick.
8 Comics Showing How Much Today’s Childhood Differs From Ours The childhood experience today is inevitably affected by--and sometimes even centered on--technology.
Are Your Charkas Out of Alignment? Here’s What You Can Do To Re-Align Them The Chakra system has been spoken about and used to help treat people from several ancient traditions all the way up to the present day.
The Strange Power of The Placebo Effect Explained The Placebo Effect is a verified phenomenon occurring in our minds and bodies.Studies suggest as much as 80 percent of the effect of antidepressants can be attributed to the placebo effect..
Your Tree Zodiac Sign – According To Celtic Druid Astrology According to Celtic astrology, the calendar year is broken down into 13 parts.This makes the Zodiac, as we know it in the west, slightly different according to Celtics..
A Brilliant Animation Exposing The ‘Shadow Government’ That Controls Our Society (VIDEO) There is a Deep State, "shadow" government with a great deal of power in our society.Without us, there is no 'them'.While this isn't about 'us vs.
Russel Brand Offers Insight On How You Can Actually Change Your Life For The Better When it comes to making changes in our own lives many of us are very resistant.
What Happened To Me When I Only Ate Fruit For 5 Days Straight A fruit fast can be beneficial if done correctly, it's not going to kill you! Have you ever tried a fast of any kind? Fasting can be a great way to explore your consciousness as it often helps to bring up hidden emotions and addictions we have to things like
New Report Finds Most Women With Early Onset Breast Cancer Don’t Need Chemotherapy Some convention cancer treatments are completely ineffective with certain cancers..