The Top Reasons Why We Resist Change & How To Stop We resist change for many reasons, but ultimately, this comes down to our core.We want to hold onto belief systems, being right, stories that protect our egos.
David Icke Explains Why It’s A Shame That George H. W. Bush Wasn’t Interrogated Before He Died With the passing of George H.W.Bush, yet another bloodline family member moves on without having to account to the public for his crimes against humanity.
Do You Resist Change? Do you ever notice yourself resisting events happening in your life? We all go through many different experiences, this article is not to say we cannot make changes and choose to avoid very un-favorable experiences, it is simply to say, sometimes we can find ourselves being very resistant to changes
7 Best Tips for Successful Weight Loss We are constantly bombarded with articles and posts written by “experts” claiming they can help us slim down effectively.
The Clinton’s Resort To Groupon Due To Poor Ticket Sales, Tour Tickets Now Half Price or Less The Clinton's have reverted to Groupon, selling tour tickets for half-price or less in order to get butts in seats at their events.
New Documentary Explores The Story Of The Most Famous Area 51 Whistleblower, Bob Lazar A riveting new film explores the incredible story of the man who blew the lid of Area 51 back in the 80's.
Las Vegas Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Just Days After Getting Flu Shot A few days after getting a flu vaccine, Shane Morgan fell ill with a disease in which a person’s nerves are attacked by the immune system, causing paralysis and, in extreme cases, death.
The “Father of the Hydrogen Bomb” Edward Teller Refuses To Talk About Bob Lazar Edward Teller, the father of the Hydrogen Bomb, has worked in the highest level of security clearances in existence..
Documents Reveal How Monsanto & The EPA Bury Cancer Research Multiple documents have emerged over the years showing the corruption that plagues Monsanto.In this case, they colluded with the EPA to stifle cancer research and any connections to their product.
The Deputy Who Wore A Qanon Patch When Meeting VP Pence Has Been Demoted Sgt.Matt Patten has been demoted for wearing a Q that said 'question the narrative' patch while meeting with VP pence on Friday.
7 Ways Music Benefits Your Heart, Brain & Health Who doesn’t love music? Certainly there are some of us, but for the most part music is a big part of our lives.
The Deep State Has A Big Problem In France, Here’s Why We are seeing glimpses of unity in France that could be an opportunity to show the world what it looks like when you don't play the Deep State's game.
What Does It Even Mean To “Be The Best Version Of Yourself?” The self-help space often markets the term 'living the best version of yourself.' But what does this even mean? What are we truly seeking? Humanity is in a deep exploration to find higher states of consciousness and live our authentic self. Finding and expressing your authentic self can be
A “Little Ice Age” Is Where We Are Heading, According To Multiple Scientists We are approaching a new Solar Minimum, something that could happen within the next decade.
Scottish Doctors Are Now Prescribing Hikes & Time Outdoors For Their Patients A health authority in Scotland has deemed it OK for doctors to actually prescribe nature to their patients, as an alternative to certain medications.