How To Survive The Dark Night Of The Soul The dark night of the soul can be viewed as a complete purge of a person and their false sense of self we call the external identity.
Understanding The Significance Of Your ‘Saturn Return’ Saturn will cycle back around to the same place it was at the time of your birth every 29.5 years or so.Many experience significant challenges and change during this time.
Reader Email: Overcoming Hopelessness About Child Trafficking I received a heartfelt email from a reader who captures the feeling of hopelessness that some people who are awakening feel in the face of global child trafficking.
The Connection Between Shamanism & Quantum Physics There are a number of connections between the ancient practice of shamanism and what we now understand in quantum physics today.
The New Science of Consciousness: Toward the Next Great Scientific Revolution A new scientific revolution is upon us, which is why hundreds of scientists are gathering to emphasize that matter is not the only reality..
New Moon In Virgo: Getting Things Done We are having a New Moon in Virgo on September 9th, 2018 at 6:02pm Universal Time.This is initiating a 29.5 day Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month.
7 Things You Need To Stop Being Ashamed Of Whether or not self-consciousness is an challenge you deal with regularly, we all have things we are unnecessarily ashamed..
Illuminati Pedophilia: Attempts To Normalize Sex Between Adults And Children (Part 2) There appears to be attempts from several sides of the spectrum to normalize pedophilia and bring social acceptance to pedophiles.
Learning “Presence”: The Greatest Gift You Could Ever Give Yourself In my life coaching practice, whenever I am able to help a client to understand presence, the entire conversation takes on a new shape.
How To Stop Negative Thoughts From Getting You Down We all experience or are faced with negative thoughts or thought patterns about ourselves or our outside world..
7 Simple Ways To Uplift Your Day It’s one of those rainy cold days where you wake up and your body feels weak – and you haven’t even gotten yourself out of bed.
How To Break Bad Habits At some point in our lives we’ve all have habits or tendencies that we wanted to move beyond or grow out of, but oftentimes we don’t have the knowhow, or even the awareness, to actually break free of them. The idea here is not to focus on these
Scientists Discover The Most Effective Way To Induce A Lucid Dream & It Works For Everyone Lucid Dreaming is a state of dreaming where you can control your dreams, and sort of create as you go.It is a fascinating topic, and has long been spoken of in the realms of philosophy.
Illuminati Pedophilia: What Is The Role Of The Awakening Community? It is becoming clear that pedophilia, child sex-trafficking and other related activities stems from a highly organized, well-funded global system that, by one chilling estimate, victimizes eight million children each year. What is the role of the awakening human community in the face of these revelations? What kind of intentions
Science Explains What Happens To Someone’s Brain From Complaining Too Much The more we complain, the more we wire our brain to focus on the negative aspects of our lives.