15+ Illustrations That Will Get You Thinking Deeply About Who You Truly Are As humans, individually and as a collective, we hold onto duality like a sword due to the programming of society and mainstream media.
Have You Been Experiencing These ‘Ascension Symptoms’? There is a shift in consciousness taking place on the planet.Whether you are aware of it or not, it is affecting you and the entirety of the human race.We are evolving, we are ascending.
Solutions For Those Who Have Trouble Meditating & How To Overcome Them While the world may be seemingly filled with "meditation masters", there are far more of us who struggle to get a grasp of it largely because of these 4 common reasons! What's really holding you back from making meditation a regular part of your life? I’m willing to bet
Why Do The Elites Participate In Child Sacrifice At Bohemian Grove? Dark rituals like the 'Cremation of Care' performed every year at Bohemian Grove, whether an actual or a mock sacrifice, impacts participants by dulling and eliminating their 'care'--their empathy for others and their conscience. As bringers of light to the planet, what is our role with respect to a growing
Understanding The Law Of Cause & Effect & How It Impacts Your Life Everything has a cause and effect Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Are You Paying Attention? Messages From Our Animal Totems & Spirit Guides We are all connected, including the members of the animal kingdom.If we pay attention to these spirits, they may be able to provide us with insight and guidance to assist us on our path.
Smiling At Cashiers & Other Sparks Of Divinity It is possible to have profound experiences in some of the most mundane encounters with others.
Why ‘Having It All’ Doesn’t Make You Happy (& What Does) Material wealth does not equate happiness.One can be 'on top of the world' to the masses, but still be unhappy and feel a lack in their lives.
5 Symptoms Of Current Planetary Energies You May Be Experiencing Collective energies, coming from the cosmos, sun or other factors, play a role in our state of being, psyche and so forth.Often times they bring up various things for our observation..
9 Common Traits Of Happy People (That They Don’t Talk About) Happiness: the term thrown around more often than any other when people are asked what they aspire to most in life.
8 Qualities of Sincerely Authentic People We are all unique, yet we live in a time where there has never been more pressure to become a copy.
12 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself Right Now Life is challenging enough on its own without our intervention, and yet still so many of us regularly adopt moods, mentalities, and schools of thought that make life an even harder path to navigate.
7 Imperative Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me In My Teens While I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and there is little to no point to regret, that does not negate the importance of self-reflection, which I think is essential for our growth as individuals and for our psychological well-being. And if, in the process of
8 Mind Shifts That Can Trigger Success & Happiness As much as our lives may be impacted by our circumstance, I’m a firm believer that they are far more influenced by our attitude.
7 Things I Needed To Accept Before Tackling My Anxiety Anxiety has never been more prevalent than it is today.