A Simple Guide to Stop Caring So Much About What Others Think It’s true: Other people judge and criticize us each and every day.
10 Life Changing Books That Have Resonated With Millions of People Thousands upon thousands of personal development and spirituality books fill the shelves of your local book store.
Friends vs. Best Friends Summed Up in 11 Cartoons People we can truly call our best friends are, for most of us, hard to come by in this world.
7 Unusual Signs You’re Reaching Your Potential What does reaching your potential look like to you? To one person it could be getting promoted to a particular position within the company they’ve worked at for years.
5 Irrelevant Things We Need To Stop Making So Relevant Most of our lives are inherently busy enough, yet we seem to love infusing them with even more thoughts and concerns that should and could have little or no impact on us at all if we took a moment to consider them in a different light. While some of it
10 Signs Your Addiction To Social Media Has Evolved Into A Beast That Controls Your Life Let’s be honest — the majority of us live in a world governed by social media.
19 One-Sentence Reminders to Help You Fall in Love With Your Life Again Life undoubtedly features its fair share of hardship.
6 Ways to Instantly De-Stress & Regain Productivity For most of us, stress is just another part of daily life.
One Word We Need to Stop Saying So Often & Why The Oxford English Dictionary has entries for over 170,000 words currently in use.
8 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than Necessary On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being incredibly easy and 10 being extremely challenging, if I were to ask you to rate your daily life’s current level of difficulty, what score would you give it? I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of you
5 Harsh Truths About Social Media Signalling It’s Time To Let Go Forget “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” The more accurate statement of the top fears for 2018 seems to be “ads and reach and algorithms, oh my!” While none of these terms are new to our digital lexicon, they’ve certainly forced themselves to the forefront of every digital
8 Challenging Life Hacks Many Of Us Could Use To Improve Our Lives Take a moment and reflect on some of the greatest accomplishments in your life thus far.
5 Common Problems Many of Us Face & The Books That Helped Me Overcome Them We all have issues.And as unique as we all are from one another, it’s in our issues that this uniqueness tends to fade away..
5 Phrases More Important Than “I Love You” With one of the most profitable manmade holidays lurking just around the corner, many of us are ready to dig a little deeper into our pockets to show our affection for our significant others.
Ever Asked Someone For Advice & Things Went Horribly Wrong? It’s Not Their ‘Fault’ – It’s Yours For most of us, opening up to others isn’t easy.Rather than seeking the advice of a professional, mentor or even trusted friend, we have this tendency to instead bottle things up inside.