7 Harsh Realities That Come With Taking Full Responsibility For Your Life “Adulthood” comes to all of us at different times in our life.
Do You Complain About Life A Lot? Try Focusing on Gratitude. Here Are 7 Things Most of us Can Be Grateful For We all have things that we can complain about in life.
7 “Weird” Things We All Do (But Won’t Admit) When we are honest with ourselves, which can be harder than it seems, we all know that we are each at least a little bit “weird.” Whether it be an odd tendency we’ve had for years, or a way of behaving while alone that we believe nobody else would
9 Common Traits Among Happy People (That They Don’t Talk About) Happiness: the term thrown around more often than any other when people are asked what they aspire to most in life.
The Top 8 Regrets of the Successful We all strive to be successful in this world.Whether it be in business, our personal life, or some other capacity, we would all love to be the best that we can be.
A Non-Leader’s Guide to Creating a Revolution Throughout history there have been a number of movements, initiatives, and projects that played an integral role in making the world into what it is today.
This Study WIll Make You Think Twice About Who You Are Getting Into Bed With A study found that through intercourse alone, it's possible a woman can hold onto male genes and DNA within their organs and bloodstream for their entire life.
Full Moon In Capricorn: Realistic Considerations We are having a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 27th/28th, depending on where you are located in the world.This marks the peak of the Lunar Cycle that began on June 13th with the New Moon in Gemini..
How Some of the World’s Elite Use Black Magic Rituals To Conjure Up Entities For More Power Elite individuals have been using rituals and ceremonies involving various forms of occult magic to gain, in their eyes, more power over humanity.
What Is The Significance of 11:11? Many people catch the clock at 11:11 on the dot frequently.This has caused questioning into whether there is any significance to this common phenomenon.
Neuroscientist Explains How Orgasms Can Be Used To Reach An ‘Altered State of Consciousness’ A study revealed that a rhythmic stimulation during sex alters brain activity and can produce a trance-like state.One must actively engage in being present during sex to experience this result.
A New Study Suggests People’s Egos Get Bigger After Yoga & Meditation Study shows how Western practices of meditation and yoga can actually inflate the ego, rather than lower it — which is typically why people choose to do these practices in the first place.