Here’s why all biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed We know only a limited outline of how genes function.
Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal: You Are Still the Enemy Within Photo by Timur Weber: Today, we are witnessing the nudging (manipulation) of the population to accept a ‘new normal’ based on a climate emergency narrative, restrictions on movement and travel, programmable digital money, ‘pandemic preparedness’ courtesy of the World Health Organization’s tyrannical pandemic
Back-To-School Herbal Aids to Boost Immunity As the summer days wind down, college campuses are bustling with new and returning students.It’s an exciting time filled with fresh starts and opportunities to learn and grow.
Texas Ends Sales Tax on Menstrual Products, Baby Items A new law went into effect in Texas on Friday, ending the sales tax on feminine hygiene products and family care items.
Labor Day: A Labor of Love Summer ends with a cheer and welcomes autumn to take over our natural domain.Before this change, however, a vital holiday appeared to remind American workers of their worth: Labor Day.
The Truth about Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine means treating the patient in whatever way will produce effective, safe results.
Reversing Chronic Diseases in Children In the featured video, I interview Beth Lambert, who in 2009 founded Epidemic Answers, a research organization focused on helping children with autism and other chronic diseases.
Protect Yourself From Disease and Outrageous Medical Costs In the U.S., 66.5% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, which amounts to 530,000 medical bankruptcies each year.
5 Herbs to Sleep Better and Combat Insomnia Trouble sleeping? You’re not alone.Between 50 and 70 million adults in the U.S.alone suffer from lack of sleep and sleep disorders.
Herbs for Sleep & Stress During stressful periods, our sleep can be one of the first things that suffers.
Leaked Documents Show American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The Covid Jab. Millions of Americans were advised by their doctors to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – not because they actually care about their patients, mind you, but because they were bribed by health insurance companies to peddle as many jabs as possible in exchange for cash. A leaked document from
Chemotherapy: Fraudulent and Deadly? Over the years I have repeatedly found that all medical recommendations are best treated with a large dose of scepticism. Nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of cancer. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by
Is It Wise to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled? The preemptive extraction of wisdom teeth before they become problematic has been a routine practice for decades.