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Teen Exposes NYPD’s Abusive Racial Profiling Scheme. Uses iPod To Catch NYPD In The Act

“We’re going to go out there and violate some rights.” NYPD Officer Alvin is a 16-year-old Harlem student who was stopped and frisked by New York’s police as part of their stop-and-frisk program.

Teen Exposes NYPD’s Abusive Racial Profiling Scheme. Uses iPod To Catch NYPD In The Act

This program began in order to allegedly make the streets a safer place, all it really seems to be is a racial profiling scheme put together by the NYPD. Unfortunately for the NYPD, Alvin recorded his entire encounter with the police on his iPod. Alvin was walking home one night from his girlfriend’s house and was stopped by the police. Alvin wasn’t doing anything except looking at the police car as it followed him. Given he had been harassed by police a number of times already, Alvin explains that he was worried it was going to happen again.

The cops eventually stopped him and what happened next is beyond words.

The cops threatened Alvin with violence, asking him, “You want me to smack you?” “I am going to break your arm.” “I am going to punch you in the face.” During the physical and verbal assault, Alvin questioned the cops as to why they are stopping him, threatening him and telling him they are going to arrest him.

The cop responds with “For being a f***ing mutt.” In this case the cops took the more aggressive approach of questioning, which involves trying to entice and anger someone so they have a reason to arrest them. Given that the police are apparently supposed to serve and protect, why are they given orders and being taught to threaten and entice people into doing something wrong? One word: Quotas.

The issue is police are given power which they cannot control and on top of that they are threatened that if they do not use their power abusively, they will receive disciplinary actions. This means in order to hit quotas demanded of them by their departments, they have to entice innocent people and find ways to harass and arrest them. We see the same issue with traffic tickets.

The other part of the issue is that the NYPD, and other police departments, seem to be purposely focusing on african americans. Watch this video as Alvin describes the scenario. In the video, several veteran NYPD officers speak out about what truly goes on behind the scenes of the police department. This truly isn’t what the police are meant to do, or maybe it is in our world of ever tightening restrictions and abuse. .

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