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The Challenge: 1 Hour of You For 30 Days!

So often we go through life without taking time for ourselves.

The Challenge: 1 Hour of You For 30 Days!

Since starting CE it has been almost day-in and day-out of getting things on the go, and before I knew it, I realized not only how much time had gone by but how little time I was giving to myself each day. This challenge will change that and I want you to try it as well! For the next 30 days I will spend 1 hour each day geared towards just ME. I have set out some guidelines to help make sure this time is spent truly with myself and not filled with distractions. Things you can’t do It must be one full hour. Try not to cut corners by counting your morning shower, teeth brushing and cereal eating as your hour.

The hour should be at a point in the day where it truly feels like you are taking time out for yourself. Things you can do The overall goal is quite simple: spend more time with just YOURSELF. Some might call this facing yourself, or simply taking some time for YOU. When it comes to the “Something you love” option, try to make it something other than just a movie, video game, or TV. Try something new, play guitar, do some knitting, pet your cat or dog! Throughout the month you might find you learned some interesting things about yourself, your life or way of being. You may also start doing or trying out new activities that you may never have thought of doing before. Whatever it may be, I want to hear how you did and what your results were! I started a discussion for it called The 30 Days of YOU Challenge. This is the where we can all share our results. I will begin my 30 days starting the 29th of March and the challenge will officially end on the 28th of April, although I plan to continue giving this time to myself as I go forward. I will be posting updates throughout the month to check in with how things are going. I challenge you try it for yourse.

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